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本研究試圖瞭解冒險教育訓練課程提升高關懷班教師知能之內涵及元素,並瞭解高關懷班教師對冒險教育訓練課程之建議。研究採質性研究方法,利用半結構式訪談大綱,訪談六位參與「臺北縣高關懷冒險王第一期初階種子教師培訓計畫」之國民中學高關懷班教師。本研究的結論如下: 一、冒險教育訓練課程,可提升高關懷班教師教學知能、輔導知能及專業精神。高關懷班教師提升之教學知能,分別呈現於重視多元適性之課程理念、貼近生命之課程目標、活用活動並具創意思考之課程設計原則與內容,及重視過程並強調引導表達之課程評量等內涵;高關懷班教師提升之輔導知能,分別呈現於診斷時之敏銳觀察、運用中介諮商並耐心候答和同理接納,及處理學生事務時理性期望,同時不忘個人照護之內涵;高關懷班教師提升之專業精神,分別呈現於充滿信心能量並嘗試突破之教育興趣、關係對等且勇於碰撞之教育態度、堅定信念之教育理想,及願意推廣經驗並追求增能之教育熱情等內涵。 二、冒險教育訓練課程中之冒險課程、營隊實作、引導員與參與成員,能提升高關懷班教師知能。其課程元素分別為冒險課程中體驗反思及團隊建立之基本精神,和波段漸進、實務導向且呈現風險之課程內容;營隊實作中富預估協調與高挑戰性之流程規劃,及兼具正向與挫折經驗之活動引導;引導員權威形象及身體力行之特質,與呈現引導態度、方式及焦點之專業示範;參與成員具教育熱忱及同理支持之特質與信念,及利於實務分享之多元背景。 三、高關懷班教師對冒險教育訓練課程,提出對訓練課程及教師促發者之建議。對於訓練課程之建議,針對課程規劃應增加課程頻率及相關課程,包含輔導議題、風險評估、戶外技能,及活動實作等內容;針對引導員則應注意在地文化。對於教師促發者之建議,為應正視冒險教育效益,鼓勵教師推廣,並說明課程產出期望,同時考慮教師準備度。 最後,根據研究結果提出具體建議,供未來研究者進行相關研究之參考。
The purpose of this study was to explore the improvement in teacher competence of intensive-concern program after participating in adventure education training course, to find out what elements in the course contribute to the improvement, and to provide teachers’ suggestions toward the course. The researcher had conducted the survey by semi-structured interview. There were six junior high intensive-concern program teachers who took part in the adventure education training course held by Taipei County bureau of education. Major findings are as followed: 1. The improvement in teacher competence of intensive-concern program is classified into three dimensions. First, “teaching competence” includes “forming multiple adaptive curriculum concept,” “setting curriculum goal attending to life issues,” “using activities and being creative in designing curriculum content,” and “emphasizing the importance of process and facilitation of expression in curriculum evaluation.” Second, “counseling competence” includes “having keen observation in assessment,” “using intervention activities, being patient when waiting for responses, and showing acceptance with empathy in counseling,” and “handing student affairs with reasonable expectation and getting self-care at the same time.” Third, “professionalism,” includes “educational interest about having strength in confidence and attempt on improvement,” “educational attitude of willing to show equalization and to accept impacts without hesitation,” “educational ideal of having belief,” and ”educational enthusiasm of willing to promote experience and seeking improvement in competence.” 2. There are four ingredients of the adventure education training course which contribute to the improvement in teacher competence, and each includes different components. First, “adventure education program,” includes components as “core spirits as experiencing, reflecting, and emphasizing teamwork,” and “curriculum content which is designed as adventure-wave model, practice-oriented, and presents risk.” Next, “camp-designing task,” includes components as “the coordination of preparation and the challenges in process planning,” and “both positive and frustrating experiences while facilitating.” Third, “facilitator,” includes components as “characteristic of authority and the image of putting knowledge into practice,” and “professional demonstration as attitude, strategies, and focus during facilitating.” Fourth, “participants,” includes components as “educational enthusiasm and the will to show empathy and support in characteristics and beliefs,” and “sharing experiences based on multi-background.” 3. Research participants gave suggestions toward both “training course” and “teacher developer” of the adventure training course. First, they suggested “course frequency” should be increased; contents as “student counseling issues,” “risk management,” “outdoor activity skills” and ”task practicing” should be added to the training course. Meanwhile, the facilitator should have “the awareness of local culture.” In addition, they suggested teacher developers should “confirm the benefit of adventure education and encourage teachers to promote in school” as well as “clarify the expectation toward course outcome and consider teachers’ readiness at the same time.” Based on this study, the researcher presents suggestions for future researchers.



冒險教育, 高關懷班教師, 教師知能, 課程元素, adventure education, intensive-concern program teacher, teacher competence, course component





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