

本研究旨在探討高職校園入口網站之評鑑標準,並完成下列二項研究目的:(1)建構高職校園入口網站評鑑標準之構面;(2)發展高職校園入口網站評鑑標準各構面之項目。 本研究採用德懷術(Delphi)研究方法進行,首先透過高職校園入口網站在資訊時代的角色定位、高職校園入口網站的實施現況與應用情形、高職校園入口網站內容規劃策略與高職校園入口網站評鑑標準相關研究進行文獻探討,並以專家會議審查,建構出「高職校園入口網站評鑑標準草案」並針對評鑑標準構面及項目的重要程度、適切程度編成五等量尺的問卷作為研究工具。 其次對十位專家諮詢小組進行三次的德懷術問卷調查,期能對評鑑標準構面及項目得到共識;透過描述統計與專家電話溝通,具體確立評鑑標準構面、項目之建構,結果得到:(1)資料正確性;(2)內容豐富性;(3)教育性;(4)親和性;(5)分類架構;(6)版面設計;(7)線上互動;(8)網站管理等八個構面,並細分為五十七個項目。 最後,本研究根據結論,分別對主管教育行政機關、高職單位、高職網站負責人員、老師等,提供高職校園入口網站評鑑標準之應用方面的參考與建議,並提供給未來有意針對此議題進行更深入研究,或進一步發展相關工具之研究參考。
The purpose of this study was to construct the evaluation criteria for vocational high school portal sites, and to achieve these goals: (1) Construction of the main domains in the evaluation criteria, and (2) Development of the items within each domain. The Delphi method was employed. First of all, a literature review was applied, then a first draft of the evaluation criteria for vocational high school portal sites was drawn up, and next relevant content was added and deleted according to interviews with experts. Secondly, in order to obtain common agreement on the domains and specific items within each domain of the evaluation criteria questions and comments from 10 experts were gathered three times. Through statistical analysis and telephone communication with the experts, the domains and their items of the evaluation criteria were determined and established. Specifically, eight domains resulted and they were: (1) data accuracy, (2) content, (3) education, (4) user-friendliness, (5) architecture, (6) design, (7) interactive, and (8) website management, and these domains were sub-divided into 57 items. Finally, based on the research conclusions, this study offered references and suggestions to the administrative organization of education, vocational high schools, personnel in charge of the portal sites in vocational high school, and teachers, etc. as well as researchers who plan to conduct deeper research on this issue or develop further study.



高職網站, 校園入口網站, 評鑑標準, 評鑑指標, vocational high school websites, school portal sites, evaluation criteria, evaluation indicators





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