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本研究發現高年級學童對於課外讀物,喜歡程度前三高依序為漫畫、幽默笑話、謎語;學童選擇課外讀物內容還是比較喜愛看有圖畫的書;閱讀課外讀物最主要是為休閒娛樂;高年級學童當打開ㄧ本書時,多數學童只有對喜歡的書才能很快靜下心看。閱讀課表現與學童的語文成績比較,可發現「常被師長稱讚表現很好」的學童,有多數的人國語科成績落在優和甲;學童看電視和用電腦對於閱讀課外讀物的影響,顯示多數學童覺得自己愛看電視和用電腦之後,變得「漸漸變成不愛看書而愛看電視」、「閱讀能力變差」、「常誤用錯別字」、 「常寫火星文」、「不容易靜下來思考」;高年級學童閱讀的偏好與語文能力和學業成就的情形,較多的高年級學童認為總是和經常「寫作文很難,會產生文不對題」、「看很多圖片多文字少的書,會讓作文沒進步」、「看很多圖片多文字少的書,會讓課業成績變差」。發現閱讀課「總是」和「經常」「寫作文很難,會產生文不對題」的學童,有多數人學業成績落在乙和丙丁。 根據研究結果,提出四點建議,作為閱讀課、圖書館、小學教師和教育當局實施深耕閱讀的參考。(一)對學校閱讀課之建議,制訂自一至六年級循序漸進的深耕閱讀課程,及早導正學童的閱讀偏向。(二)對學校圖書館之建議,應盡量將借還書庶務及說故事活動授權給圖書館志工分擔,而將時間與專業智能運用在主動與各班老師進行深入而全面的協同教學合作。(三)對學校及教師之建議,各班老師應善用圖書館藏書資源並結合圖書館老師的圖書資訊專業能力,合作進行圖書館利用教育課程及深耕閱讀課程的協同教學。(四)對教育當局之建議,教育當局能正視學童語文能力普遍下滑,積極修改法源引進圖書資訊專業能力的圖書館人才進駐到小學,進行配合各科目課程規劃的全面而深耕的圖書館利用教育課程及深耕閱讀課程的協同教學,建立學童循序漸增長的閱讀偏向,以提升學童的語文能力。
This research reveals the significant interest of students in the higher grade level on extracurricular reading are comics, joke books and riddles. By this, shows the trend that these students prefer books containing pictures and their extracurricular reading is purely for the purpose of entertainment. Most students are able to have immediate focus only on the types of books they like. In comparison of their performances in Reading and Literature classes, students who have been praised as “well done”, many of them are receiving high grades and achievements in class. Many students have found that once they have been drawn by the influences of television and internet access, they have found less interested in reading, a decrease in their reading skills, increase of wording mistakes, using of inappropriate terminology derived from the internet, and difficulties to focus. A view on the reading habit, language abilities, and academic achievements of students in the higher grade level, many of them would either always or often responded that “composition is very difficult and consequently creating unfitting content to the topic”, “reading of books containing large amount of pictures and only few words will cause no progress in writing skills”, and “reading of books containing large amount of pictures will make my grades go down”. Among these students who have responded having difficulties, many of them would fall in the average or below the average ranks in class. Base on the conclusion of this research, the following suggestions were offered as reference to reading classes, libraries, elementary school teachers and authorities in Education while promoting Children’s Cultivating Reading. 1.For school reading classes, setup a series of reading promotion programs to early correct the deviation of students’ reading abilities. 2.For the school library, daily operation such as book borrowing and lending, story telling should be shared by volunteer workers. Leave the time and professional intelligence of librarians initiatively contribute to the comprehensive teaching program collaboration with school teachers. 3.For the school and teachers, all the teachers should make the most of library collection resources and the information professionalability of librarian teachers, cooperatively proceed the education works in coordination of library usage teaching program and Children’s Cultivating Reading program. 4.For authorities in Education, they would take notice of the prevalent reduction of students’ language ability and make revision of the relative laws as well as to introduce librarians with library information professional skills to elementary schools, cooperatively proceed the work in Education according to each course plan in coordination of library usage teaching program and Children’s Cultivating Reading program and elevate students’ reading abilities step by step.



高年級學童, 閱讀偏好, 快餐式讀物, 語文能力, 學習成就, students in the higher grade level, reading preference, book for enjoyment, language ability, academic achievement

