

摘 要 在現今休閒時代的潮流下,民眾對於能夠提供休閒運動的場地設施需求日益殷切,省思學校社區化的理念推動,恰可促成大學運動設施提供社區化休閒運動之服務,本研究即以此觀點,探究大學運動設施社區化休閒服務之績效評估。 研究方法採問卷調查法,首先以專家德爾菲法建構出學校運動設施社區化休閒服務績效評估之指標類目,並經FAHP分析指標權重值,同時將指標類目編製成「大學運動設施社區化休閒服務績效評估研究問卷」,採分層隨機抽樣抽取32所公立大學校院,分別對「休閒服務提供構面」之大學體育室管理單位與「休閒服務使用構面」之社區居民進行問卷調查,最後回收29所學校,提供構面有效問卷83份(86.5%),使用構面有效問卷560份(87.5%),研究發現如下: (一)本研究建構之指標類目在休閒服務提供構面共獲得1.實體設施服務2.專業服務人力3.專業資訊管理4.設施安全管理5.校內外資源整合6.開發社區休閒服務等六個主指標和二十三個次指標;另在休閒服務使用構面,共獲得1.社區居民設施滿意情形2.設施使用時段合宜性3.設施配置便利性4.社區休閒運動及課程服務5.服務人員服務滿意情形等五個主指標和十八個次指標。 (二)各層級指標權重分析結果顯示:提供構面重要性排序為「設施安全管理」、「專業服務人力」、「實體設施服務」、「校內外資源整合」、「專業資訊管理」、「開發社區休閒服務」。在休閒服務使用構面排序為「服務人員服務滿意情形」、「設施配置便利性」、「設施使用時段合宜性」、「社區休閒運動及課程服務」、「社區居民設施滿意情形」。 (三)經實際調查所得,提供構面在休閒服務重要性認同度之指標排序與FAHP所獲之權重值排序一致,顯示理論與實務有相同的看法。使用構面則在「服務人員服務滿意情形」和FAHP所獲一致認同是最為重要,顯示消費者在服務感受愉悅的重要性。 (四)比較不同區域大學運動設施社區化休閒服務之差異,發現就整體而言,北區和中區無論在提供構面或使用構面都有較佳的服務表現與服務滿意度。依此結果,考量城鄉差異更應關注南區、東區及離島等較為偏遠環境的設施提供與服務表現。 (五)使用構面在休閒服務評估項目上之重要性認同度皆高於實際的滿意度,顯示對休閒服務的提供仍有很大的服務改進空間。 依此研究發現,建議各大學體育室管理單位在運動休閒推廣服務上,能夠重視設施之安全管理,提供專業服務人力以符合社區居民之所需,提高其服務滿意度,期能在體育專業服務上貢獻所長。 關鍵詞:運動設施、社區化、休閒服務、績效評估、模糊分析層級程序法
Abstract The purpose of this study was to reveal the performance of communalized recreation services of sports facilities in public universities. The participants of this study were sports facility managers of athletic departments in public universities and community residents in Taiwan. First, the author reviewed literature and used the Delphi method to categorize a series of systematic evaluation indicators. These indicators were further applied to develop an instrument where the questionnaire was distributed to the respondents, sports facility managers and community residents, to evaluate the performance of recreation services in public universities. The instrument used in this study was developed from the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Questionnaire to evaluate the performance of recreation services in college athletic departments. The results of this study are listed below: 1. Six major and twenty-three minor indicators were found regarding services offered while there are five major and eighteen minor indicators about the usage of recreation services. 2. The results of loading for each hierarchy showed that security of facility management and community residents’ satisfaction were the most important factors. 3. The order of indicators for the importance of recreation services is the same as the order from the FAHP. This finding shows that participants’ response for the importance of recreation services in actual situation is consistent with the ones in theory. 4. When comparing with the difference of recreation services among different regions, the study shows that the recreation services in the north and middle part of Taiwan offer better services and obtain higher satisfaction from community residents than the south, the east and the islands. So it is important for athletic departments to pay attention to the performance evaluation of communalized recreation services in the south, the east and the islands. 5. Participants’ response for the importance of recreation service in usage is higher than users’ satisfaction; this shows that there is still room for improvement in recreation services. The results of this suggest that college athletic departments should promote recreation services. In addition, college athletic departments should focus on security of facility management and professional development for personnel to improve recreation services. Keywords: sports facilities, communalization, recreation services, performance evaluation, Fuzz Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP)



運動設施, 社區化, 休閒服務, 績效評估, 模糊分析層級程序法, sports facilities, communalization, recreation services, performance evaluation, Fuzz Analytic Hierarchy Process





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