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本研究旨在透過傳統教學法、翻轉教學法、虛擬實境教學法等三種心肺復甦術教育介入方法,探究不同的介入方法對於學習者學習成效的影響,包含相關學科知識、技術、對心肺復甦術的態度、及對旁人施救的意圖。傳統教學法是以當面講課及指導員實體指導操作,翻轉教學法是以「安妮學校心肺復甦術翻轉教學法」合併線上學科知識教學與指導員實體指導操作,虛擬實境教學法則是以「HTC 全虛擬實境心肺復甦術教學法」合併360影片教學與3D虛擬實境情境操作。本研究以準實驗設計方法立意取樣招募北部大學在學學生,隨機指派每梯次授課的教學法,並在介入前進行前測,介入完成當下、介入完成後第1個月進行後測。本研究有效樣本76人,接受傳統教學法介入23位、接受翻轉教學法介入30位、接受虛擬實境教學法介入23位。本研究重要結論與建議如下:一、 無論採用何種教育介入方法,其課程滿意度、態度與對旁人施行心肺復甦術意願、學習成效等在第1次後測的結果皆高於前測,代表教育介入的成效與重要性確實存在。二、 實驗組所採用的2種新式教學法與傳統教學法之整體學習成效多無顯著差異,可以推論新式教學法「安妮學校心肺復甦術翻轉教學法」及「HTC 全虛擬實境心肺復甦術教學法」亦可與傳統教學法有相同的學習成效。三、 本研究得到受試者自評希望繼續教育的頻率是3個月,在實際執行面上每3個月進行完整課程是有困難,尤其是在疫情之下。若採短時間、容易接觸的模式是未來可以維持學習成效的方法之一。但仍需配合法規的鬆綁與系統的建置,讓一般民眾更便利的接收到複習提醒以及了解每次複習的成效。四、 在學習成效上因不同教學法無顯著差異,因此在疫情的影響,未來在急救教育的實施上也許可以嘗試採用翻轉教學或者虛擬實境教學等方式避免人員的群聚與接觸的機會,亦可達到相似的學習成效。五、 根據本研究的結果,未來在實際推廣與學習成效的維持方面,若可以嘗試採用短時間、容易接觸的模式是未來可以維持學習成效的方法之一。例如全國可以統一建置心肺復甦術學習護照APP 登錄,完成既定訓練後即可獲得並登入系統了解學習紀錄與成效。
This study aimed to investigate the effects of cardiopulmonary resuscitation education performance in different interventions, including traditional method, flipped method, and virtual reality method. This study adapted quasi-experimental and convenience sampling method to recruit university students in northern Taiwan. Each intervention session was assigned different intervention method randomly. The time points of measuring performance included before intervention, right after intervention, the 1st month after intervention. The results were (1)the performance at the first post-test higher than pre-test in all intervention groups, (2)there was no difference between traditional method and flipped method and virtual reality method, (3)the average frequency of training by participants was every 2-3 months, (4)flipped and virtual reality method may be considered as alternative approach in the period of COVID-19, and (5)new approach for maintaining performance may be “low dose, high frequency”.
This study aimed to investigate the effects of cardiopulmonary resuscitation education performance in different interventions, including traditional method, flipped method, and virtual reality method. This study adapted quasi-experimental and convenience sampling method to recruit university students in northern Taiwan. Each intervention session was assigned different intervention method randomly. The time points of measuring performance included before intervention, right after intervention, the 1st month after intervention. The results were (1)the performance at the first post-test higher than pre-test in all intervention groups, (2)there was no difference between traditional method and flipped method and virtual reality method, (3)the average frequency of training by participants was every 2-3 months, (4)flipped and virtual reality method may be considered as alternative approach in the period of COVID-19, and (5)new approach for maintaining performance may be “low dose, high frequency”.
心肺復甦術, 翻轉教學, 虛擬實境, 急救學習成效, 對旁人施行心肺復甦術意願, CPR, flipped method, virtual reality, CPR performance, intention to provide CPR