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媒體的多元發展以及社會專業分工的環境變遷下,政府新聞發言人的角色逐漸扮演重要的功能,而大家對於政府發言人的要求,除了最基本的外在條件、語言表達能力之外,在制度的建立上,尚有其功能、角色定位以及機制的運作等,需要做更多的討論。 由於政府發言人在制度的建立、國內直接的著作與研究上均較為有限,而對於其所面對的突發事件與危機因應的結果亦充滿了不確定性,在政府改造工程持續變革、政治與媒體環境詭譎多變的多重挑戰之下,本研究試圖從公共管理的「代理人」理論、顧客服務觀點,政府公共關係的專業管理,政治傳播的「政治意圖的勸服」,危機傳播的協商與修復理論,以及政府發言人其條件、職責等角度,來歸整政府發言人形象建立、政策發佈、首長代言、危機因應、解釋澄清以及形象修復等六大功能,此外,從制度面、媒介、代言人以及守門人四大面向,來探究發言人的角色定位,以及其制度建立的影響、困境與挑戰、以及改善的可能方案。 國內的政府發言人過往均由機關首長兼任,民國九十一年行政院突破限制首度專設發言人,但是因無法源依據致使制度的建立未臻完整;至民國九十六年臺北市政府依《臺北市政府組織自治條例》設置發言人(室),即成為本國的政府機關當中,第一個具有獨立運作法源依據的發言人機制。本研究即以臺北市政府發言人制度為對象,透過個案分析以及發言人室成員與媒體記者的深度訪談,來研究政府發言人制度的傳播功能、角色定位、其運作的機制與模式,以及面對危機發生或突發事件,如何透過政府發言人制度來運作與因應。
With the changes in the environment characterized by diversified development of the media and specialized division of labor in society, the role of a government spokesperson is gradually becoming more important. In terms of what is expected of a government spokesperson, in addition to basic appearance requirements and language capability, a spokesperson also has a function with regards to system establishment, and more discussion is needed of their role and operation of the spokesperson mechanism. Publications and research directly related to the establishment of a government spokesperson system is relatively limited in Taiwan, and there is also much uncertainty with regards the results of the handling of sudden events and crises by spokespersons. Faced by many challenges including continuing reform of government and the unpredictability of the political environment, this paper attempts, from the angle of public management “agent” theory, customer service viewpoint, specialized management of government public relations, the “persuasion of political intention” of political communication, the theory of negotiation and repair of crisis communication and the requirements of a government spokesperson and duties, to sum up the six main functions of a government spokesperson: image establishment, announcing of policy, speaking on behalf of the leader, crisis response, explanation and clarification and image repair.Also,in terms of four main aspects, system, medium, spokesperson and gatekeeper the role of the spokesperson will be examined and his/her influence on the establishment of a related system, difficulties and challenges faced, and possible improvement solutions, discussed. In the past position of government spokesperson was occupied concurrently by the heads of government organizations, until the Executive Yuan achieved a breakthrough by appointing a full-time spokesperson in 2002, however, the lack of a legal basis meant that the related system was only partially estalishment;then, in 2007, Taipei City Government established A Spokesperson’s Office in accordance with the “Self-government Ordinance of the Taipei Municipal Government,” becoming the first independently-operating spokesperson mechanism with a legal basis amongst all the government organizations in Taiwan. With the spokesperson system of Taipei City Government as its subject, this paper will, by analyzing cases and in depth interviewing of Spokesperson’s Office personnel and media reporters, examine the communication function, role, operating system and model of the government spokesperson system and discuss how, in the face of crisis or sudden event, the government spokesperson system operates and how a response is made.



政府新聞發言人制度, 政治傳播, 代理人, 媒介, 守門人, Government spokesperson, political communication, agent, medium, gatekeeper





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