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近年來,政府機構、產業界、與學術界在發展光電顯示器及固態照明(例如,發光二極體)製程技術上已經投入許多經費與人力,且有相當好的經濟效益。但是,目前這些光電產品的製造與量測設備大多必須倚賴國外廠商提供,導致許多技術都掌握在他們的手中。由此可知,推動自主性與前瞻性的光機電整合系統科技之研發,對於國內產業界與研究機構是刻不容緩的。 本計畫之目的在於提升國內光機電科技產業發展技術與學術研究的能力,並且預計將此研究成果推廣,使得國內科技教育能達到向下紮根、向上提升的成效。本研究以成果導向學習(outcome-based learning, OBL)方式來進行大學與碩士班專題(project)研究之教學。以小組專題的方式,培養學生具備有社會所需的核心能力,例如,自我學習、專業知識與技能、鑑別與解決問題、以及參與多元化團隊等之核心能力。評量方面則採用「持續評核(continuous assessment)的概念於多元化教學評量中,透過即時的評量回饋(feedback),來調整課程教學的步調與方向,以達到教學目標。 於教學成效評量之結果顯示,教師個人之教學評量從平均點數 3.5(傳統教學)提升至4.19,學生平均成績亦有明顯進步之情形(由 65 分提升至 78 分,實施後約有 20%同學成績達 90 分以上)。此外,我們邀請產業界的專家學者,針對於課程知識內涵(學術研究價值/產業實用性等)以及學生(含畢業與在學)的專業能力等,進行問卷調查,結果顯示(評比分數平均為 4.4)此教學系統應用於光機電整合科技教育上具有相當好的成效,能符合當今高科 技產業之需求,可被推廣至各層面之科學教育。
In recent years, government, industrial circle, and universities have already invested a lot of funds and manpowers in the manufacturing technologies of photonic display and solid state lightning (for example, LEDs) and these technologies yield much benefit. However, the manufacturing equipments and instruments for these photoelectric products must mostly rely on the supply from the foreign manufacturers. As a result, a lot of the related techniques are handled by the makers. Obviously, promoting the development of independent and advanced opto-mechatronic technologies is very urgent to the industry and research mechanisms. Therefore, the objective of this project is to enhance the development capability of the industries and universities for the opto-mechatronic technologies. In our research, we adopt an outcome-based learning (OBL) approach in the course of “special topics on electro-optical system design” to help students to develop essential ability (e.g., self-learning, problem solving, technical skill, and ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams, etc.) through a team project. In order to achieve intended learning outcomes (LOs), the concept of continuous assessment is used in the evaluation of teaching and learning. The course evaluations are obtained from classmates and instructors, and these results indicate that the objectives of those courses are achieved. From student-rating feedback, it shows that teacher effectiveness evaluation is improved by using the proposed method. The point average of the evaluation is increased from 3.5 (traditional teaching methods) to 4.19. In addition, the twenty percent of students scored 90 and above, the average score increased from 65 to 78. Feedback from industrial experts is indicated that the learning outcomes are satisfied practical requirements (Average scores: 4.4). Obviously, the evaluation results of the proposed method are quite satisfactory. It can be widely used in the science education.







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