

本篇論文主要在於探討東勢客語的音韻變化。利用優選理論(Optimality Theory)不同排序間的制約互動(constraint interaction)關係,討論東勢客語的同化與音節連併。 同化在東勢客語裡,是一個常見的音韻變化現象。同化的產生,主要是使鄰近的兩個音變得相似,讓發音上變得更為方便。在東勢客語裡,如果在一個音節附加一個韻母後綴(vowel suffix),則前一音節的韻尾會延展並成為後一音節的聲母。要注意的是,韻尾延展只出現在綴詞附加(affixation),而不出現在複合詞的形成。在同化現象,我們也探討了鼻音的分佈。在東勢客語中,當相鄰的輔音帶有鼻音成份,元音會被鼻化。此外,東勢客語的鼻音是往兩側散佈,直到被塞音、磨擦音與邊音所阻隔。 談到音節連併,是指兩個各自獨立的音節,在合併後成為單一的音節。本文主要探討三音節的連併。在東勢客語,三個音節的字詞傾向合併成雙音節。我們觀察現有的連併語料,發現在三音節的連併現象,第二音節的聲母扮演了關鍵性的角色。若第二音節的聲母屬於零聲母或是流音,則中間的音節傾向和前一音節合併。另一方面,若第一、二音節的韻母結構相同,也會有音節連併的情形。如果,第一、二音節既沒有相同的韻母結構,或是第二音節的聲母既非零聲母也不屬流音,則音節數目維持不變,不會有連併現象的產生。但即使音節數目不變,第二音節的音節結構常出現變化,如聲母的刪除。 最後,在進行三音節連併時,第三音節是最穩定的音節,常傾向保留。反之第二音節則最不穩定。在連併過程,第二音節常被刪除或是和第一音節的合併為一個新的音節。
This thesis investigates two phonological phenomena, assimilation and contraction, in Dongshi Hakka by applying Optimality Theory. In assimilation, a vowel suffix can get an onset from its preceding syllable. However, such assimilation occurs only in affixation. In compounding, assimilation does not occur because it is prevented by the zero onset of the second syllable. In addition to assimilation, I also discuss nasal spreading. In D-Hakka, a vowel can be nasalized by its neighboring consonants. Moreover, nasal spreading in D-Hakka is bi-directional and it can spread as far as it can until it is blocked by obstruents and liquids. As for contraction, contraction refers to two syllables merging into one. In this thesis, I focus on trisyllabic contraction. There is a tendency for three syllables to contract becoming disyllabic. Therefore, according to our observation, in trisyllabic contraction, the third syllable is the most stable which tends to be preserved. However, the medial syllable is the most volatile. Within trisyllabic contraction, I note that trisyllabic contraction applies if the first two syllables have the same rime. In addition, the onset of the second syllable plays a crucial role in determining whether trisyllabic contraction occurs. For example, onsets of medial syllables belonging to [-consonantal] undergo trisyllabic contraction, yet tend to be eliminated if they belong to [+obstruent], but are preserved if they are liquids or nasal stops.



優選理論, 同化現象, 音節連併, 東勢客語, Optimality Theory, Assimilation, Syllable Contraction, Dongshi Hakka





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