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本研究以Halliday的「概念」(ideational)、「篇章」(textual)、「人際」(interpersonal)三大語言純理功能(metafunctions)為分析架構,以語料庫所乘載的真實語料為分析來源,探究現代漢語「向來」和「從來」在篇章層面上的語言現象,並嘗試將研究結果應用於教學和教材中。本論文採用臺灣《聯合知識庫》(UDN data)和《中文詞彙特性素描系統》(Chinese Word Sketch Engine, CWS)兩大語料庫之語料,蒐集包含「向來」和「從來」之語料各300筆,一共600筆語料進行分析研究。此外,本論文亦以前人研究為基礎,探討兩者的基本語義特徵,以期釐清其篇章功能之異同。首先,從歷時的面向來看,「向來」和「從來」皆透過隱喻概念,由空間範疇轉移至時間範疇,且基本語義特徵皆表達長時段的「靜態義」、「持續(慣常)義」,然「從來」在語用上,具有「絕對化」的傾向。就句法結構來看,「向來」傾向用於肯定句中,「從來」則用於否定句中,並於句中傳達出豐富的背後含意。其次,從語料庫統計的數據來看,「向來」和「從來」範距和焦點的互動功能較為相似,若兩者位於句內,其後皆形成句尾焦點或其他焦點,屬於局部連接。其中,「向來」後形成定語焦點的比例高於「從來」。若兩者位於句外則帶出對比焦點,屬於整體連接。再者,就「話題—焦點」功能,「向來」整體來說多作為「話題」,鋪陳背景資訊,「從來」作為「話題」和「焦點」的比例則相對平均。就「後景—前景」功能,兩者作為「後景」皆高於「前景」,描述一件事,「向來」和「從來」的基本語義特徵促使他們成為篇章中的「後景」,為段落提供時空背景,並推進文章的發展。
The present study adopts the theoretical framework of Halliday's metafunctions which involve ideational, textual, and interpersonal functions as the theoretical framwork. Based on the above framework and on authentic written and spoken data, this study explores the discourse aspects of two Mandarin Chinese time adverbs of – xianglai and conglai. Moreover, the findings of the present study are further applied for putting forward pedagogical recommendations. First, from the diachronic semantic evolutionary perspective, both xianglai and conglai are transferred from the spatial domain schema to the temporal dynamic schema through metaphorical mapping, and both of them convey the following basic semantic features, including the meanings of ‘stative’ and ‘persistent (habitual)’ over a long period of time. However, conglai tends to express ‘absoluteness’ in terms of pragmatics. As far as the syntactic structure is concerned, xianglai tends to appear in affirmative sentences, while ‘conglai’ is more often used in negative sentences. Also, the sentences themselves bring out some implicit meanings.Moreover, on the discourse level, both xianglai and conglai have a smaller scope which has end focus followed by and they usually serve as local linkers to connect lexical, phrasal or clausal units. Not only does xianglai carry with it the end focus, it also brings out other kinds of focuses, particularly the adjectival focus. On the other hand, xianglai and conglai also have a larger scope which can link the speaker’s prior sentences and forthcoming sentences and bring out a contrastive focus.Furthermore, in terms of the ‘Topic to Focus’ function, xianglai tends to be the topic in sentences, which is considered to be old or background information, while conglai can be either the topic or focus in sentences. As for the ‘Backgrounding to Foregrounding’ function, both xianglai and conglai tend to act as backgrounding in paragraphs, which is attributed to their sematic features.Last but not least, at the pedagogical level, in applying the results of the present study, nine L2 Chinese textbooks that are widely used in Taiwan, Mainland China and overseas are reviewed and analyzed. Additionally, teaching suggestions and pedagogical implications are put forward based on the results of analysis.
The present study adopts the theoretical framework of Halliday's metafunctions which involve ideational, textual, and interpersonal functions as the theoretical framwork. Based on the above framework and on authentic written and spoken data, this study explores the discourse aspects of two Mandarin Chinese time adverbs of – xianglai and conglai. Moreover, the findings of the present study are further applied for putting forward pedagogical recommendations. First, from the diachronic semantic evolutionary perspective, both xianglai and conglai are transferred from the spatial domain schema to the temporal dynamic schema through metaphorical mapping, and both of them convey the following basic semantic features, including the meanings of ‘stative’ and ‘persistent (habitual)’ over a long period of time. However, conglai tends to express ‘absoluteness’ in terms of pragmatics. As far as the syntactic structure is concerned, xianglai tends to appear in affirmative sentences, while ‘conglai’ is more often used in negative sentences. Also, the sentences themselves bring out some implicit meanings.Moreover, on the discourse level, both xianglai and conglai have a smaller scope which has end focus followed by and they usually serve as local linkers to connect lexical, phrasal or clausal units. Not only does xianglai carry with it the end focus, it also brings out other kinds of focuses, particularly the adjectival focus. On the other hand, xianglai and conglai also have a larger scope which can link the speaker’s prior sentences and forthcoming sentences and bring out a contrastive focus.Furthermore, in terms of the ‘Topic to Focus’ function, xianglai tends to be the topic in sentences, which is considered to be old or background information, while conglai can be either the topic or focus in sentences. As for the ‘Backgrounding to Foregrounding’ function, both xianglai and conglai tend to act as backgrounding in paragraphs, which is attributed to their sematic features.Last but not least, at the pedagogical level, in applying the results of the present study, nine L2 Chinese textbooks that are widely used in Taiwan, Mainland China and overseas are reviewed and analyzed. Additionally, teaching suggestions and pedagogical implications are put forward based on the results of analysis.
範距, 句尾和對比焦點, 定語焦點, 狀語焦點, 整體和局部連接, 前後景, scope, end and contrastive focus, adjectival focus, adverbial focus, global and local link, backgrounding and foregrounding