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本文旨在探討實作教學對創造力和問題解決能力之影響,以提供學校日後推動實作教學之參考。本研究對象為台北市立某國中一年級4個班級的學生,共計103人,分為實驗組57人,控制組46人。 主要研究方法為準實驗研究法,並採用不等組前後測實驗設計,以「達文西木橋」為實作教學單元,測驗工具為「威廉斯創造性思考活動測驗」、「威廉斯創造性傾向量表」及「新編問題解決測驗」,利用SPSS 21.0 for Windows進行平均數、標準差、獨立樣本單因子共變數分析。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、實作教學對學生在威廉斯創造性思考活動測驗中變通力、獨創力和全測驗有正向效果。 二、實作教學對學生在威廉斯創造性傾向量表中好奇性和全測驗有正向效果。 三、實作教學對學生在新編問題解決測驗中預防問題、有效性和全測驗有正向效果。
The study was to examine how hands-on teaching influenced creativity and problem-solving capability. This also served as a reference for schools to promote hands-on teaching. The research subjects of this study were four classes of eighth graders from a Taipei Municipal Senior High School. They totaled 103 people with 57 people as an experimental group and 46 people as a control group. The major research method was characterized by a quasi-experimental research design and a pre-post-test design.The study used Da Vinci Bridge as the teaching unit.The research tools and instruments included Williams’ Creativity Assessment Packet, Williams’ Creative Tendency Scale and New Test of Problem Solving. Concerning the analysis of the research data, this study utilized SPSS Statistics 21.0 for Windows not only to calculate the average and standard deviation but also to perform one-way ANCOVA. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1.Hands-on teaching had a positive effect on flexibility, originality and all tests in Williams’ Creativity Assessment Packet. 2.Hands-on teaching had a positive effect on curiosity and all tests in Williams’ Creative Tendency Scale. 3.Hands-on teaching had a positive effect on problem prevention, effectiveness and all tests in New Test of Problem-solving.



實作教學, 創造力, 問題解決能力, hands-on teaching, creativity, problem-solving capability





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