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1. 情緒性支持與實質性支持愈多,會降低家庭對工作時間、壓力及行為衝突感受,並增加家庭對工作發展、情感及效能增益感受。
2. 物質主義傾向愈高,會增加家庭對工作時間、壓力及行為感受。當與家庭支持共同分析時,迎合世俗傾向愈高,會增加態度傾向會增加家庭對工作時間、壓力及行為衝突感受
3. 占有愉悅傾向愈高,會增加家庭對工作情感及效能增益感受;物質滿意則反之;金錢至上傾向愈高會減少家庭對工作發展及情感增益感受;迎合世俗傾向愈高,會增加家庭對工作情感增益感受。當與家庭支持共同分析時,物質滿意會降低家庭對工作情感增益感受。
The purpose of this study was to understand the impact of family support and materialism on family toward work conflict and enrichment. A questionnaire, purposive, and snowball sampling were used to obtain responses from 504 participants who are having full-time jobs, marriedand have at least a child. The dimension of family support, including informational support, emotional support and practical support. The dimension of materialism, including money first, material satisfaction, possession pleasure and conformity. The dimension of family-to-work conflict, including time, strain and behavior. The dimension of family-to-work enrichment, including developmental, affect and efficiency. Regression analysis revealed that family-to-work conflict and family-to-work enrichment affected by family support and materialism when the control variables including gender, age, the age of the youngest child and the structure of family members of living together. The study concluded: (a) Family-to-work conflict was lower when participants got more family support. (b) Family-to-work enrichment was higher when participants got more family support. (c) Family-to-work conflict was higher when participants were highly materialistic. (d) Family-to-work enrichment was lower when participants were highly value of money first and material satisfaction. (e) Family-to-work enrichment was higher when participants were highly valued of conformity and possession pleasure. (f) The dimension of development and efficiency in family-to-work enrichment were not able to be explained by materialism when materialism and family support input regression together. The study finding may serve as a guide for further research on the effects of family support and materialism on the work-family interface.
The purpose of this study was to understand the impact of family support and materialism on family toward work conflict and enrichment. A questionnaire, purposive, and snowball sampling were used to obtain responses from 504 participants who are having full-time jobs, marriedand have at least a child. The dimension of family support, including informational support, emotional support and practical support. The dimension of materialism, including money first, material satisfaction, possession pleasure and conformity. The dimension of family-to-work conflict, including time, strain and behavior. The dimension of family-to-work enrichment, including developmental, affect and efficiency. Regression analysis revealed that family-to-work conflict and family-to-work enrichment affected by family support and materialism when the control variables including gender, age, the age of the youngest child and the structure of family members of living together. The study concluded: (a) Family-to-work conflict was lower when participants got more family support. (b) Family-to-work enrichment was higher when participants got more family support. (c) Family-to-work conflict was higher when participants were highly materialistic. (d) Family-to-work enrichment was lower when participants were highly value of money first and material satisfaction. (e) Family-to-work enrichment was higher when participants were highly valued of conformity and possession pleasure. (f) The dimension of development and efficiency in family-to-work enrichment were not able to be explained by materialism when materialism and family support input regression together. The study finding may serve as a guide for further research on the effects of family support and materialism on the work-family interface.
家庭支持, 物質主義, 家庭對工作衝突感受, 家庭對工作增益感受, family support, materialism, family-to-work conflict, family-to-work enrichment