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臺灣處於多元文化環境中,客家文化亦為臺灣文化中獨具特色之一支,其承襲中原文化之傳統,雜揉南越文化,加上長期遷徙、地形封閉的因素,後經過原住民文化、閩南文化、外省文化互相衝擊洗禮後,形成更鮮明的特色,加上近幾年來臺灣推動國際化與外國文化交流頻繁,使得傳統客家文化與外來文化撞擊產生新火花。 隨著華語熱的興起,每年有不少外籍人士到臺灣學習中文,臺灣蘊育多元文化之背景為華語教學提供了豐富的沃土,然而,相較於語言教學本體的嚴謹,文化教學及文化教材雖然包羅萬象,但涵蓋「客家文化」內容之範疇較少,故本研究選擇以「客家文化」為教材編寫之內容,讓外籍華語學習者在文化課程中認識客家文化,了解臺灣文化之多元性。 本研究方法採取內容分析及半結構深度訪談,針對七位學者專家及四位在臺華語學習者為訪談對象,探討其對客家文化融入華語文化教材編寫之看法,以自編方式編寫一課教材示例-「客家義民祭」,並以七位華語教師及教材編纂者以教材評估方式提供反饋。 透過本研究發現,以客家節慶活動融入華語文化教材編寫之方式符合教材使用者需求,透過自編教材編寫之方式亦得到評估對象之肯定,本研究期在臺華語學習者能夠在臺灣文化環境中得體地使用華語進行溝通,培養更寬闊的文化視野,以正面態度對待跨文化之鴻溝,也學會欣賞不同文化所呈現之獨特美感。
With the rise of Chinese language, many foreigners choose to come to Taiwan to learn it every year.The diversecultural background in Taiwan has provided a rich foundation for learning Chinese.In comparison to a long established and systematic approach to Chinese language teaching, culture teaching and materials are comprehensive, however, with only limited coverage in the Hakka culture. Thus, this research paper takes the Hakka culture as a study example, with the purpose of helping Chinese learners to appreciate the diversity of Taiwanese culture through understanding Hakka culture. The research method adapts textual analysisand semi-structured interviews approach, with seven scholars and four Chinese learners as interviewees. Their opinions on the Hakka culture blended into Chinese language teaching are taken into consideration,with additional seven Chinese teachers and textbook compilers` feedbacks to aid the author into composing a study example“The Hakka Yi Min Festival”. Throughout the course of this research, the way the Chinese culture material is composed via utilizing Hakka Festivalhas met the needs of the target users, and is also highly praised by aforementioned evaluators. This research is meant to assist Chinese learners in coping with communication in Chinese within the environment of Taiwan. Another equally important goal is develop a broader perspective through which they appreciate the unique beauty of different cultures.



客家文化, 文化教材, 教材編寫設計, Hakka Cultur, Culture Textbook, Textbook Design

