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本研究以文獻分析法蒐集資料,採取多重個案研究法、半結構式深度訪談四家文創紀公司、四位角色創作者,並以比較研究法,歸納彙整臺灣角色產業發展的狀況、問題與未來方向,探討文創經紀公司與角色創作者的經紀模式,聯手打造角色品牌,制定B2C、B2B市場的行銷策略分析,以作為產業發展之參考資料。臺灣角色產業因網路社群媒體的興起、文化部投入資源推動角色產業,舉辦各類型獎勵、補助,海外參展機會,帶動市場熱潮;但整體缺乏產業鏈的資源,角色價值較難轉換為商業效益,需更積極培植、整合產業生態系,發展角色品牌,創造角色經濟的商業模式,著重O2O的經營,大數據分析與精準行銷策略,提升產業效益。 臺灣文創經紀公司為達到營運效益,以經紀多位角色創作者,採取全經紀約、作品經紀約、專案工作合約、代理業務方式,依據每位創作者的特質與條件,量身打造經紀合約。角色創作者的多元才能、穩定的創作能量,有助於角色的發展;雙方以角色品牌經營、推廣授權業務、商業合作案、經營社群媒體、經營角色創作者為目標。 研究個案之行銷策略分析結論: 1. 產品策略,B2C行銷重點:建立角色品牌核心價值,重視小眾分流市場、著重角色之吸睛度、原創、市場性與故事性。B2B行銷重點:制定品牌規範手冊,開發客戶,以經濟效益的授權業務為主、商業合作其次,尋找授權、商務合作夥伴。 2. 價格策略,B2C行銷重點:針對分眾開發限量、話題性、實用性、收藏性商品;以作品內容傳遞角色品牌價值,爭取粉絲認同與喜好,轉換為傳播與消費者。B2B行銷重點:角色圖庫授權業務最具商業效益,開拓廠商、客戶,以提供專業的企劃能力與建議,提升競爭力與差異性,增加合作的機會點,爭取預算。3. 通路策略,B2C行銷重點:經營角色FB、IG、Line貼圖、創作者個人FB,培養粉絲群,商品銷售透過網路平台、實體展覽、藝文空間。B2B行銷重點:掌握客戶名單,拓展人脈,以專案帶專案創造口碑行銷,透過海外出版合作、海外展覽、尋找當地代理商,開拓市場版圖。 4. 推廣策略,B2C行銷重點:低成本網路媒體宣傳,以圖像資源做廣告交換,舉辦粉絲、公關活動創造討論話題。B2B行銷重點:舉辦展覽、活動,邀約目標客戶,創造接觸機會;品牌聯名、創作者聯手創作,參加比賽,增加曝光度、知名度。
This research analyzes data collected from four cultural and creative management companies and four character creators in semi-structured interviews in-depth. The data analysis was run in multi-cases and comparative methods to figure out how Taiwan developed the character industry, its problems, and its future directions. In addition, how the management companies manage character creators, character branding, B2B and B2C marketing strategy decision-making analysis were also discussed and could be a reference for the development of the industry.The rise of network community media and the Ministry of Culture promoted the character industry by offering various prizes, subsidies, and opportunities to attend conferences abroad, character industry market soared in Taiwan. However, with lack of funding for the production chain in its entirety, it is difficult for character values to be transferred into business profitability. More proactive incubation, industry ecology integration, character branding, business models in the character economy, focus on O2O operations, big data analysis and precise marketing strategies to enhance industrial efficiency are needed in the future.In order to create profit, cultural and creative management companies in Taiwan developed multiple plans, such as exclusivity, partial management, by project, and service agency to customize suitable contracts for character creators according to their characteristics and specialties. Multiple talents and steady creativity of the character creators help the development of characters; the creators and agencies manage characters, facilitate franchising, brainstorm partner corporate collaborationprojects, and administer network communities to manage character creators together.Conclusion to the marketing strategies from the cases: 1. Product strategies: The key points in B2C marketing are to create core value of the character brands, value niche markets, emphasize characters’ visibility, creativity, marketability, and story-telling. The key points in B2B marketing are branding guidebook making, and client development. To search for licensing business partners with profit-oriented franchising as first priority and business partnership comes next. 2. Price strategies: The key points in B2C marketing are to develop limited editions, or topical, practical, and vintage items. Brand values are carried by the content of the works to entice identification and favor from fans which would boost visibility and transformed into customers. The most key points in B2B marketing are client and manufacture development with character image bank licensing being the most profitable one. In addition, the ability to provide professional proposals and suggestions would make one’s agency different from others, become more competitive, raise possibilities to land partnerships, and finalize bigger budgets.3. Place strategies: The key points in B2C marketing are management of characters’ FB pages and IG accounts, creators’ FB pages, create Line stickers, and fans management. Product sales through internet platforms, shows, and artistic spaces. The key points in B2B marketing are to maintain customers list, make connections, attend shows abroad, publish abroad, localized retailers, maximizing market shares, and good reviews of projects. 4. Promotion strategies: The key points in B2C marketing are low-cost internet advertisements, image resources in exchange for advertisements, and arrange fan and PR events to raise visibility. The key points in B2B marketing are to attend shows, arrange events, invite target customers to create opportunities to make contacts. In addition, co-branding, co-create with other artists, attend competitions to raise visibility and popularity.



文創經紀, 角色, 角色經紀, 角色經濟, 角色產業, 角色創作者, 行銷策略, B2B市場, B2C市場, Cultural and Creative management, characters, character management, character economic, character industry, character creator, marketing strategy, B2C market, B2B market





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