大學生知覺不同形式父母衝突與 情緒安全感、婚姻態度之相關研究

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本研究旨在探討大學生知覺父母衝突形式(建設性衝突、破壞性衝突)與大學生情緒安全感、婚姻態度可能的關係與其組型,以及考驗本研究中建設性、破壞性父母衝突之形式在大學生情緒安全感與婚姻態度的正負向關係。本研究以「子女知覺父母衝突形式量表」、「情緒安全感量表」及「婚姻態度量表」為研究工具,採立意取樣進行問卷調查,以了解臺灣地區公、私立大專院校之大學生知覺父母衝突形式、情緒安全感與婚姻態度的關係,所回收之有效量表共613份。所得資料以描述統計、獨立樣本t考驗、典型相關分析,與Van de Schoot、Hoijtink與 Deković(2010)所提之訊息假設考驗等方法進行分析,並獲得結果如下: 一、大學生知覺父母衝突形式之「建設性衝突」得分高於「破壞性衝突」,其面對父母衝突時的「情緒(不)安全感」略高,「婚姻態度」偏正向積極。 二、大學生知覺父母衝突形式以及其面對父母衝突時的情緒安全感並未因性別不同而有差異;然而男大學生比起女大學生對婚姻抱持較正向積極的態度。 三、雙親家庭之大學生相較於非雙親家庭之大學生傾向知覺父母衝突形式為「建設性衝突」;而非雙親家庭之大學生比起雙親家庭之大學生傾向知覺父母衝突形式為「破壞性衝突」。再者,非雙親家庭之大學生相較於雙親家庭之大學生面對父母衝突時的「情緒(不)安全感」較高。此外,雙親家庭之大學生相較於非雙親家庭之大學生對婚姻抱持較正向積極的態度。 四、大學生越是傾向知覺父母衝突形式為「建設性衝突」,且越不傾向知覺父母衝突形式為「破壞性衝突」,則其面對父母衝突時之「情緒(不)安全感」的傾向越低;反之,當大學生越是傾向知覺父母衝突形式為「破壞性衝突」,且越不傾向知覺父母衝突形式為「建設性衝突」,則其面對父母衝突時之「情緒(不)安全感」的傾向越高。 五、本研究所提出「大學生知覺父母『建設性衝突』與其『情緒(不)安全感』呈現負向關係,與其『婚姻態度』則是呈現正向關係;而大學生知覺父母『破壞性衝突』與其『情緒(不)安全感』呈現正向關係,與其『婚姻態度」則是呈現負向關係。」的研究假設,整體上是可以獲得本研究所蒐集實徵資料的支持。 最後根據本研究結果進行討論,以作為諮商輔導、親職教育,及未來研究之參考。
The first purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among college students’ perceptions of marital conflict style, emotional security, and marriage attitude. The second purpose was to test the positive and negative relationships among constructive marital conflict, destructive marital conflict, emotional security, and marriage attitude. The measurement tools used in this study were “The Childrens’ Perceived Interparental Conflict Style Scale”, “Security in the Interparental Subsystem Scale”, and “Marital Attitude Scale”. The questionnaires were administered to 613 college students in Taiwan. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent t tests, canonical correlation analysis, and informative hypotheses tests proposed by Van de Schoot, Hoijtink and Deković (2010). The results of the study are as follows: 1. College students tended to perceive marital conflict style as constructive conflict, their emotional security is medium, and their marriage attitude tended to be positive. 2. No gender differences were found for college students’ perceptions of marital conflict style and their emotional security; however, male college students tended to have a more positive marriage attitude than female college students. 3. College students from two-parent families were more likely to perceive constructive marital conflict than college students not from two-parent families. College students not from two-parent families were more likely to perceive destructive marital conflict than college students from two-parent families. In terms of emotional security, college students not from two-parent families tended to have lower emotional security. Additionally, college students from two-parent families tended to hold more positive marriage attitude than college students not from two-parent families. 4. Results of the canonical correlation analysis indicated that higher perception of constructive marital conflict and lower perception of destructive marital conflict were associated with higher levels of emotional security. Additionally, higher perception of destructive marital conflict and lower perception of constructive marital conflict were associated with lower levels of emotional security. 5. Results of testing the positive and negative relationships among constructive marital conflict, destructive marital conflict, emotional security, and marriage attitude empirically supported the main research hypotheses. Based on the results of this study, implications of the study for counseling and parent education are discussed and suggestions for future research are proposed.



父母衝突, 建設性衝突, 破壞性衝突, 婚姻態度, 情緒安全感, marital conflict, constructive conflict, destructive conflict, marriage attitude, emotional security





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