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摘要 本研究比較一般聽力教學與自主聽力教學,旨在探討自主聽力對於中學生的英語聆聽能力與英聽學習看法之影響。研究對象為台灣某國中之二年級三個班級共一百位學生,控制組為一般聽力課程,實驗組一為自主聽力課程,實驗組二為引導式自主聽力課程。第一週為聽力理解前測,而在十週的課程當中,三組受試者都必須在當週課程結束時書寫聽力札記,札記內容包含受試者自行紀錄聽力方面的學習項目、學習困難,以及對課程的看法,第十二週則為聽力理解後測。聽力測驗結果採用重複量數單因子變異數分析,聽力札記所記錄之內容兼採質性與量化分析,課程結束後半結構式面談也納入實驗結果的佐證。研究結果發現三組受試者在聽力測驗表現方面並無顯著差異,在英聽學習方面則有不同看法。控制組學生的學習項目多為測驗時的作答技巧,學習困難為容易分心與跟不上語速,英聽程度較佳之學習者者在課程後期表示感到較為無趣;實驗組兩組學生的學習項目主要為習慣英語語速、熟悉英語發音及韻律、記憶字彙,學習困難為接觸許多不熟悉之字彙,學習者不論程度,皆對於課程安排表達肯定的看法,優點包括擁有選擇權、愉悅感、課中動機提高也較為投入。然實驗組一之期末回饋顯示課程當中有時會遇到阻礙,認為學習效率較低,強烈希望教師能給予更多的引導和指示;實驗組二之期末回饋則普遍顯示高度滿意,課後主動練習聽力的時數亦遠高於實驗組一。
ABSTRACT The present study aims to investigate the impacts of autonomous listening on listening comprehension and listening perceptions by comparing formal listening instruction and autonomous listening instruction. The participants were 100 second-graders in a junior high school. The control group received regular listening course, the first experimental group autonomous listening (AL) course, and the second experimental group guided autonomous listening (GAL) course. During the ten-week intervention, the participants were required to keep a listening log, the contents including learning points and learning problems in listening, and their opinions of the course. The results of listening pretests and posttests were analyzed by repeated ANOVA, and the logs were examined both quantitatively and qualitatively. Follow-up semi-structure interviews were also incorporated as support for the findings. The results indicate no significant difference among the groups in listening comprehension; yet diverged opinions were presented. The control group marked test-taking skills as main acquisition, tendency to get distracted and inability to follow delivery speed as main obstacles, and better listeners appeared uninterested in the later phase. The experimental groups indicated getting accustomed to delivery speed, being familiar with the prosody, and memorizing lexicons as main acquisition; encountering many unfamiliar words as a main obstacle; and positive attitude was showed regardless learners’ proficiency. The merits of autonomous listening included having right to choose, pleasure, and higher motivation and engagement in class. Nevertheless, the AL group revealed a strong desire for teacher guidance and assistance due to the lower efficiency and occasional problems in the process from their end-semester feedback. The GAL group, on the contrary, generally displayed a great satisfaction in the course, and they also listened longer after class than the AL group.



自主學習, 聽力, 學習者觀感, 教師引導, autonomy, listening, learner perception, teacher guidance





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