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本文研究目的在於積體電路產業三十年前定錨台灣,產業鏈從垂直整合走向垂直分工,積體電路設計業開始在台灣萌芽茁壯,當跨國知識社群變成本土知識社群,其在地的社會鑲嵌型態為何?網絡鑲嵌僅止於矽谷?三十年來內部領土鑲嵌的型態產生了怎樣的改變?與鄰近的中國是否產生技術分工,或是將部分技術定錨於中國,三十年來積體電路設計業鑲嵌內涵的改變即是本文的研究目的。 本文研究架構以鑲嵌的三個面向:社會鑲嵌、網絡鑲嵌、領土鑲嵌為出發點來看異質行動者、異質文化、異質網絡、異質領土所構成的異質鑲嵌型態。本文以台灣為出發點,研究方法試圖將晶片依投入廠商數和投入人數定義為中高低階,再找出晶片內部所有功能的技術來源,刻畫出內部社會鑲嵌情況及改變及異質網絡鑲嵌型態。 研究結果發現積體電路設計的中高階領導者逐漸由跨國知識社群變為地方知識社群。在社會鑲嵌面向人才高度流動導致晶片同質性高,內部呈現高度競爭情況,卻也鑲嵌在空間重疊的多重尺度的社會關係、人才流動帶來的技術交流、鄰近性帶來競爭和合作關係。在網路鑲嵌方面,高中階晶片困難功能為爭取研發速度,向世界擷取技術來源。因成本的競爭和中國為廣大市場開始將部分技術轉移到中國,分工型態有四種,一為晶片端驗證測試部分、二為高中階晶片單一功能的軟體部分、三為晶片的簡易功能、四為低階晶片外移。台灣積體電路設計業在中國灑下部分技術種。而工研院不再扮演積體電路設計業火車頭角色,將晶片研發重點擺在專利-生產鏈最上游演算的制訂。設計與製程關係也發生改變,成熟晶片下單海外,高階晶片才下單台積、聯電。設計與製造並不一在同一地,端看成本和技術考量。
Integrated Circuit Industry has anchored in Taiwan for thirty years and Integrated Circuit Design has developed for decades.Some questions are worth our attention! First, is societal embeddedness only confined to the transnational knowledge community thirty years ago? Is network embeddedness only limited to Silicon? What kind of change has made in territorial embeddedness? Does the technology cooperation with China lead to the partial shift of integrated circuit design to China? Based on the background, the purpose of the research aims to delve into the change of embeddedness in Intergrated Circuit Design Industry. The frame of the research is constructed from three aspects of embeddedness: societal embeddedness, network embeddedness and territorial embeddedness and tried to find out the change of social relationship, network outline and territory in Intergrated Circuit Design Industry. The method of the research is to define high-level, medium-level and low-level chip according to the number of manufacturers and laborers, and to find out the techniques sources of all interior functions of chips. In this way, the frame of societal embeddedness and network embeddedness can be depicted. Besides, the question if network embeddedness has anchored in China and the interior change of territorial embeddedness can be confirmed. The results of the research are in the following: First, the high and medium-level leaders in Intergrated Circuit Design Industry have converted from transnational knowledge community to local knowledge community. Second, from the aspect of societal embeddedness, the rapid flowing of intellectuals results in the similarity of chips and high competitiveness. Rapid flowing of intellectuals brings about the exchange of techniques and neighboring locations leads to both competitiveness and cooperation. Third, in terms of network embeddedness, to fight for the speed of research and development, getting techniques from all around the world is inevitable. Because of the competitiveness of production cost and the shift of skills to China, there are four kind of division of labor: first, chip validation and testing; second, the mono-fucntion of high and medium-level chips; Third, the basic functions of chips; Fourth, the migration of low-level chips. ITRI no longer plays the leading role in Intergrated Circuit Design Industry and the focus of the research and development of chips is on the setup of the algorithm of production chains. Besides, the relationship of design and manufacture has changed: mature chips are ordered overseas while TSMS and UMC get orders only from high-level chips. Design and manufacture are not in the same place depending on production costs and skills.



社會鑲嵌, 網絡鑲嵌, 領土鑲嵌, 異質鑲嵌, 跨國知識社群, 本土知識社群, 晶片, 功能, 演算, 硬體, 韌體, 軟體, 驗證測試, societal embeddedness, network embeddedness, territorial embeddedness, heterogeneous mbeddedness, transnational knowledge community, local knowledge communities, chip, function, algorithm, hardware, driver, software, testing





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