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The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of the teaching method that combines traditional and media teaching on shuttle-cock kicking of three different elementary groups on their understanding of the shuttle-cock kicking, performance in motor skills, and learning satisfaction. Therefore, the most suitable shuttle-cock kicking teaching grade could be identified, and to promote shuttle-cock kicking, a long-history traditional folk sport. The participants were 139 elementary students (55 4th graders, 45 5th graders, and 39 6th graders) who had no prior experience in shuttle-cock kicking. During the experimental period, all participants received eight 40-minute shuttle-cock kicking lessons as well as pretests and posttests on their knowledge and motor skills. The test results were analyzed by one-way ANOVA, ANOCVA and paired-samples t-test to investigate differences between and within the groups. A semi-structured interview was used to investigate the students’ learning satisfaction after the experiment. The findings were: (1) There was no significant difference between groups on the achievement on students’ knowledge of shuttle-cock kicking. (2) There was significant difference between groups on the achievement on students’ motor skills of shuttle-cock kicking. 6th graders were significantly better than 5th graders and 4th graders. (3) The teaching method that combines traditional and media teaching on shuttle-cock kicking teaching gained approval of students and motivated them to continue to participate in shuttle-cock kicking. (4) The teaching method that combines traditional and media teaching on Shuttle-cock kicking teaching was effective for students’ learning of shuttle-cock kicking knowledge and motor skills. (5) The teaching method that combines traditional and media teaching was more favorable for students than traditional teacher-oriented teaching method in physical education. (6) The more suitable shuttle-cock kicking teaching grades were grade four and grade six. The findings of this study suggested that shuttle-cock kicking should be taught on grade four and grade six. In addition, more shuttle-cock kicking teachers should be trained to promote such a good sport. Key words: the combination of traditional and media teaching method, shuttle-cock kicking knowledge, shuttle-cock kicking motor skills



傳統加媒體教學, 踢毽運動, 踢毽認知, 踢毽動作技能, the combination of traditional and media teaching method, shuttle-cock kicking knowledge, shuttle-cock kicking motor skills





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