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本研究目的在找出完成不同轉體角度旋風腳的關鍵要素,以作為教練及選手訓練時的參考。以兩部Redlake高速攝影機(250Hz)進行3D攝影分析,拍攝17名台灣男子武術選手最大轉體角度的旋風腳,並依其完成轉體角度分為360°(n=8)及540°(n=8)兩組,進行運動學參數比較,並輔以720°組1人(n=1)個案研究參考,以Kwon 3D動作分析系統進行影像數位化。以獨立樣本t考驗,檢定兩組各參數之差異,並以皮爾遜積差相關探討與騰空高度及轉體角度有顯著相關之運動學參數(α=0.05)。研究結論如下: ㄧ、360°(n=8)及540°(n=8)兩組受試者呈現顯著差異的參數為:助跑重心水平速度、重心水平速度損失值、右腳著地瞬間-右膝關節角、右腳離地瞬間-左手水平半徑、左手垂直速度、左手垂直角動量、左腳垂直速度、騰空前期-重心水平位移、右腳尖上擺最大合速度、擊響瞬間-右腳尖合速度、左肘關節角、右肘關節角、騰空後期-右腳尖下擺最大合速度。 二、受試者(n=17)與騰空高度呈現顯著正相關的參數為:蹬伸期-右髖、右膝、右踝關節角速度、右腳離地瞬間-重心垂直速度、重心合速度、左手水平速度、水平角動量、右手水平速度;與騰空高度呈現顯著負相關的參數為:右腳離地瞬間-兩腿夾角、右蹬離角。 三、受試者(n=17)與轉體角度呈現顯著正相關的參數為:右腳尖上擺最大合速度、擊響瞬間右腳尖合速度;與轉體角度呈現顯著負相關的參數為:助跑重心水平速度、右腳離地瞬間-左手垂直角動量。 建議: 一、360°組選手要完成540°的轉體時,建議減少助跑重心水平速度、增加左手水平擺動半徑與右腿里合擺腿的速度,儘可能的在騰空最高點完成擊響動作並且加速下擺,在擊響瞬間,有意識的屈曲左、右肘關節,進而減少轉動慣量,增加轉體角度。 二、540°組選手要完成720°的轉體時,建議增加蹬伸右髖、右膝、右踝關節的速度,踏跳過程,增加兩手擺動的水平速度及左手水平角動量,右腳離地以後,增加右腳內擺速度,有助於提升騰空高度與轉體角度。 三、肢段擺動的目的為增加向上的地面衝量與提升重心高度,因此應該有時序性(左臂→右臂→左腳)的加速與放鬆,並且配合下肢關節的蹬伸,才能獲取最大的擺動效益。
Key element of the Whirlwind-kick that this research purpose is here to find out finishing turning in the angle differently, offer the coach and player of proposed for training. Via two Redlake high-speed digital cameras (250Hz )were synchronization to record the 3D Whirlwind-kick motions, 17 outstanding man of Taiwan wushu player respective performed maximum turns angle of Whirlwind-kick , in accordance with it the turns angle is divided into 360°(n=8)and 540°(n =8)two groups, carry on the kinematics parameter to compare, and complement with the 720°(n=1)case study for consulted. Used independent sample t-test, assaying the difference of parameters between two groups of kinematics, and used Pearson product-moment correlation to finding relevant kinematics parameter for flight height as well as turns angle (α=0.05) , its research conclusion is as follows: 1. Two groups of players are show the difference (p<0.05) at the center mass(CM)horizontal velocity of run-up , horizontal velocity lose value of CM, right knee joint angle at right foot contact(RFC) , left arm horizontal radius at right foot takeoff (RFT) , left arm vertical velocity at RFT , left arm vertical angular momentum at RFT , left foot vertical velocity at RFT , CM horizontal displacement of the before hit-phase(BHP) , right tiptoe maximum velocity of BHP , right tiptoe velocity at hit , left elbow joint angle at hit , right elbow joint angle at hit , right tiptoe velocity of after hit-phase. 2. The 17 experimenter are show positive correlation with flight height is right hip, right knee, right ankle joint angular speed of stretch-phase(SP); CM vertical velocity at RFT, CM velocity at RFT, left arm horizontal velocity of RFT, left arm horizontal angular momentum of RFT, right arm horizontal velocity of RFT ; opposite correlation with flight height is pedal angle at RFT, between foot angle at RFT. 3. The 17 experimenter are show positive correlation with turns angle is right tiptoe maximum velocity of BHP, right tiptoe velocity at hit; opposite correlation with turns angle is CM horizontal velocity of run-up , left arm vertical angular momentum of RFT. This research is proposed as follows: 1. When the group of 360° to want to reach 540° turning , propose to decrease CM horizontal velocity of run-up , increase horizontal radius of left arm at RFT, increase up-wave velocity of right foot and hit before CM peak , increase down-wave velocity of right foot , flexion elbow at hit moment. 2. When the group of 540° to want to reach 720° turning , propose to decrease stretch joint angular speed of right hip , right knee and right ankle , increase horizontal velocity of two arms and increase horizontal angular momentum of left arm before takeoff , from after the ground , increase right foot wave velocity. 3. Limbs swings purposes is increase the upward impulse from ground and improve flight height of CM , there should be the accelerating and relaxing to comply with order of time(left arm→right arm→left foot)as well as cooperate with right foot stretch , could get the greatest swing benefit in this way



武術, 旋風腳, 運動學, Wushu, whirlwind kick, kinematics





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