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本研究旨在探討高中體育教師工作價值觀與生涯發展的現況。其次, 比較不同背景變項(性別、服務年資、婚姻狀況、教育程度、學校性質、 擔任職務、進修經驗)高中體育教師工作價值觀與生涯發展之差異。最後 則探討影響高中體育教師工作價值觀與生涯發展之因素,以供行政運作及 體育教師進行生涯發展時之參考。研究對象為427位公、私立高中體育教 師,並以自編之「高中體育教師工作價值觀與生涯發展問卷」為研究工具 進行調查。根據所得資料,以單因子多變項變異數分析、多元逐步迴歸分 析、典型相關分析統計方法,進行資料分析。結果發現:   1.整體而言,高中體育教師在工作價值觀六個構面的得分,包括成長發展、創新變化、成就聲望、人際關係、組織安全及健康休閒皆屬於中上的程度。而在生涯發展方面,其內涵包括自我評估、生涯規 劃、生涯諮商及教育訓練,其得分情形亦屬於中上的程度。   2.不同年資、進修經驗的高中體育教師其工作價值觀確有顯著差異存 在;而不同進修經驗的高中體育教師其生涯發展亦有顯著差異存在。   3.高中體育教師之背景變項與工作價值觀能有效預測其生涯發展,其 中以健康休閒及人際關係之預測力較佳。   4.高中體育教師之背景變項及工作價值觀與生涯發展間有典型相關關 係存在。
The purposes of this study were to investigate the status quo of the work values and career development of senior high school PE teachers. In addition, comparisons have been done to examine the differences on work values and career development of research subjects with different background variables (gender, seniority, marital status, education, nature of school, position held, advanced-learning experience). Finally, to provide meaningful references for current administrative applications and future PE teacher career developing processes, influencing factors of research subjects’ work values and career development are discussed. The research subjects of this study were 427 participating PE teachers from various municipal as well as private senior high schools throughout Taiwan area, and the research instrument tool used in this study was the “Senior High School PE Teacher’s Work Values and Career Development Questionnaire”, which is of this author’s own creation. The following analyses were performed with data collected using the aforementioned questionnaire: One-way MANOVA, multiple stepwise regression and canonical correlation analysis. The primary findings were: 1. Generally speaking, research subjects scored well (higher than 50% of total points) in all 6 aspects of work values (self-growth and development, innovation and creativity, achievement and fame, personal and public relations, organizational security, health and leisure), as well as in all 4 aspects of career development (self-evaluation, career planning, career counseling, education and training). 2. Obvious differences do exist in the work values exhibited by research subjects with different seniorities and advanced-learning experiences, and the career development demonstrated by research subjects with different advanced-learning experiences are indeed different. 3. Background variables together with research subjects’ work values can be used to effectively predict career development, and the aspects “health and leisure” and “personal and public relations” have better predicting capabilities. 4. It existed a canonical correlation between the research subjects’ background variables and work values, and the research subjects’ career development.



高中體育教師, 工作價值觀, 生涯發展, senior high school PE teachers, work values, career development





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