
dc.contributorHung, Chih-Wenen_US
dc.contributor.authorWang, Hsing-yuen_US
dc.description.abstract以車站為中心向外擴展的聚落,一直都和車站有密不可分的關係。而淡水線對於大台北地區而言有不可忽視的存在,不論是台鐵時期或現今台北捷運時期,都是北淡地區重要的交通路線,對於沿線區域之發展的影響不在話下。因此本研究試圖以淡水線為主體,探討它的演變歷程、車站詳細位置、周圍發展變遷,並比較台鐵與捷運兩個不同時期對於沿線區域和都市紋理的影響。  探究淡水線從台鐵至捷運的發展歷程,二十世紀初的建設主要著眼於貨運還有縱貫線建材運送上的便利,但在淡水港逐漸沒落後,客運則一直是淡水線最重要功能,為台北與北投、淡水間重要的交通路線。也因為這樣,曾有不少關於它的規劃參與其中,包含車站、路線的新建與改建,以及戰後的各項台北市區鐵路改善措施;規劃捷運時亦因長久以來累積的運量而被作為大台北地區第一條興建之捷運路線,可以說一直以來淡水線皆被當作市區重要鐵路看待。  而探究車站位置與周圍聚落發展,可發現淡水線車站與聚落的互動可分為車站隨既有聚落出現、聚落隨車站出現、車站隨聚落遷移以及為了特殊目的而設置等四種不同形式,本研究依此扣除了第四種之外,選定雙連、北投、關渡等地區做為研究對象。研究發現,雙連與關渡地區在不同時期之都市紋理有所變化,區域圍繞著車站位置發展,而北投地區則為既有聚落隨車站繼續擴大。整體而言,前站地區往往會因應車站而出現相對應的道路鋪設及街道,日後也較易有規劃上改變,從而創造或加深該地區發展;後站地區則可能發展較緩或是方向、模式較為不同,不以人流或車流主要聚集處而做規劃。但這樣的狀況在轉為捷運後,因節點通道的改變而又產生不同變化。藉由本研究針對此淡水線不同車站所做之分析,可更加了解路線及車站對於周圍聚落、紋理的影響,提供交通地理研究上的概念性解釋。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSettlements that spread out from railway stations have always been inseparable from these stations. The existence of Tamsui Line cannot be ignored in Taipei metropolitan area that it is an important transportation route in Taipei-Tamsui area whether Taiwan Railway (including Imperial Taiwan Railway and Taiwan Railway Administration) era in the past or Metro Taipei era in the present. Needless to say, it has great impact on the development in the area along the line. Therefore, this study attempts to take Tamsui Line as the main topic to explore its evolution, exact location of the stations, development of area around the stations and compare the influence of two different periods, Taiwan Railway era and Metro Taipei era, on urban fabric in the area along the line.Explore the evolution of Tamsui Line from Taiwan Railway to Metro Taipei, it can be found that Tamsui Line mainly focused on freight transportation and transportation of construction materials on western Trunk Line in the early 20th century. However, passenger transport has been the most important use after the decline of Tamsui port, in which an important route between Taipei, Beitou and Tamsui. Because of this, it has been involved in a lot of planning, including the construction and reconstruction of stations and routes, and various improvement policy for the railway in Taipei after World War II. The planning of the MRT was also affected by the traffic volume accumulated for a long time so that it became the first MRT line to be built in Taipei metropolitan area. As the result, it can be said that Tamsui Line has always been regarded as an important urban railway.By exploring the location of the stations and the development of the surrounding settlements, it can be found that the interaction between the stations in Tamsui Line and the surrounding settlements can be divided into four different forms: stations appeared with the existing settlements, settlements appeared with stations, stations relocated with settlements, and stations set up for special purpose. Base on the division of these four forms except the fourth, this study selects Shuanglian, Beitou, and Guandu area as research objects. The result found that the urban fabric of the Shuanglian and Guandu area changed in different periods and meanwhile the area developed around the station, while Beitou area continued to expand with the station. Overall, front station area not only has more corresponding roads and streets plan to go with them, but also has more planning changes in the future, which create or reinforce the development of the area. On the other hand, rear station may develop slower than front station or rear station may develop in a different form, where the plan for them were not consider as the main gathering places of people or traffic. Nevertheless, this situation has changed since the railway transformed to MRT due to change of node channels. Through the analysis of different stations in the Tamsui Line in this study, we can better understand the influence of the route and the stations on the surrounding areas and urban fabric, providing a conceptual explanation for the study of transport geography.en_US
dc.subjectTaiwan railwayen_US
dc.subjectTamsui Lineen_US
dc.subjectstation and areaen_US
dc.subjecturban fabricen_US
dc.titleRegional changes and development along the Tamsui Line from Taiwan Railway to Metro Taipeien_US

