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十二國教在普通高中新課綱中列入田野實察的主題,建議教師可與其他學科協同設計探究主題及實施方式,利用彈性學習或課餘時間進行實察活動。過去的地理實察教學時常是教師口頭講述,學生聽講筆記,難以引起學生學習動機,不易達成課綱所闡揚自發、互動和共好的理念。 本研究嘗試將遊戲式學習融入選修課中的地理實察教學,先由教師設計一套新北投實境解謎的遊戲,讓學生前往新北投體驗遊戲式的地理實察活動,接著由教師引導學生以小組合作方式自行設計融入實境解謎的地理實察。最後透過教師的參與觀察和學生素養量表的分析,評估學生透過遊戲式學習進行地理實察的學習成效。 研究結果發現藉由遊戲式學習設計地理實察選修課程,學生能提升其學習動機,並有助於達成資訊素養,整體課程設計具有可行性,但合作學習與主動學習素養的學習成效未達顯著,教學設計需要再做調整。
Fieldwork activities are included in the new geography curriculum standards of senior high schools in the 12-year basic education. It is recommended that teachers can collaborate with other disciplines to design inquiry themes and implementation methods, and use flexible learning or spare time for conducting activities. However, fieldwork course was often taught by the didactic method of teaching in the past. Students passively listen to lectures and take notes. It is difficult to promote students’ motivation by lecture, not to mention follow the three fundamental principles of the 12-year basic education, which are taking the initiative, engaging the public, and seeking the common good. This study attempts to incorporate game-based learning into the teaching of geography fieldwork in an elective course. The teacher first designed a set of Xinbeitou real-world puzzle solving games, allowing students to go to Xinbeitou to experience the game-based geography fieldwork activities. Then the teacher guided students in small groups to conduct the fieldwork and design their own real-world puzzles solving games. Finally, through the teacher's participative observation and the quantitative analysis of the competence questionnaires, the students' learning results through game-based learning in the fieldwork were evaluated. The result of the research shows that students can increase their learning motivation and can foster the cultivation of information literacy through incorporating game-based learning into the teaching of geography fieldwork in an elective course. The overall design of curriculum is feasible, but the cooperative learning and active learning literacy have not achieved significant results, and it needs to be adjusted.



地理實察, 遊戲式學習, 核心素養, 實境解謎, Fieldwork, Game-based learning, Core Competencies, Real World Puzzle Solving Game





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