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中小企業本身資源有限,仰賴外部環境提供的資源就更形重要,而育成中心是新創中小企業擷取資源的來源之一。現今產業環境快速變遷、競爭加劇,創新能力成為存活的關鍵因素,創新關鍵因素就是「衡量創新績效」,但過去研究創新績效方向多集中於製造產業,對育成中心的創新績效卻少有著墨。 育成中心日漸重要與創新績效備受重視,育成中心的創新績效評估卻 沒有標準的衡量指標,因此本研究運用模糊層級分析法(Fuzzy AHP) ,建 構育成中心創新績效評估指標,了解我國育成中心創新績效內涵,歸納結論並提出具體建議,期能提供政府在評估育成中心創新績效時,能正確衡量並發展策略之參考,並有效提升育成中心之創新績效。 本研究第一階段經由文獻探討彙整出4大構面與24項指標,在第一階段專家內容效度問卷修改為4大構面與26項指標,第二階段問卷透過模糊層級分析法了解育成中心創新績效評估指標的構面權重值,以及指標項目的權重值,從權重值得知重要性排序,建構出育成中心之創新績效評估指標。 研究結果顯示,育成中心創新績效評估指標構面中,最重要的是組織創新,跟過往研究著重於產品或服務創新有所不同,而行銷創新則相對較不重要。在育成中心創新績效評估指標項目中,最重要的十個指標項目,有7個為組織創新的指標,呼應前者組織創新最為重要的結果,建議育成中心著重在改善快速回應的組織彈性,提升內部營運模式,讓進駐廠商在育成中心中持續成長開發,進而得到最佳的創新績效。
In the age of global economy, SMEs need government’s help because they only have limited resources and in the competitive nature of our environment. Under the premise, innovation performance is the most important factor. And Incubator supplies SMEs with resources and place. But it is deficient in related researches of innovation performance in the incubator. This study aimed to explore the indicators of innovation performance in the incubator. After reviewing OECD Oslo manual and related literature on innovation performance, this study proposed four dimensions and twenty-four indicators. In first stage, this study used content validity to develop the questionnaire to collect experts’ opinion and corrected it. The results proposed four dimensions and twenty-six indicator. In second stage, the study applied fuzzy analytical hierarchy process to calculate out the weight of dimensions and indicators. The results showed that organizational innovation is most important. It is different from the past related research that it is not focus on the product and service innovation. The marketing innovation is not important in the result. Maybe the reason for the result was that incubator was supplied SMEs with resources and place. The author suggests the management to improve the responding in time and the rate of operation. With a view to innovation performance and development, that is the optimization in allocation of resources.



育成中心, 創新績效, 模糊層級分析法, Incubator, Innovation Performance, Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process





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