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Office of Research and Development
Office of Research and Development
本研究主要針對臺灣在學之國中女生,網路行為、網路交友,及約會行為進行調查分析,以了解其偏差之人際互動,並建構一個國中女生網路交友性侵害潛在被害之模式。蒐集全省國中三年級女學生442個樣本。藉由結構方程模式的統計技術,以LISREL8.52版軟體,檢驗此一模式的適配性。 整體適配指標顯示模式獲得接受。「網路上癮」對「網路交友遊戲」具有正向且直接的影響。「網路交友遊戲」對「網路互動危機因素」具有正向且直接的影響。「網路交友遊戲」對「約會潛在性侵害」具有正向且直接的影響。「網路互動危機因素」對「約會潛在性侵害」有正向且直接的影響。
This study, focused on female middle-school students in Taiwan, surveyed and analyzed their Intemet behavior: specifically their meeting and dating of boys (men) through the Intemet. The objectives were to understand any abnormal patterns of interaction, and to establish a model that would show the students' potential to become sexual abuse victims. This model was derived from "victim theory." 442 female third-year middle-school (junior high school) students in Taiwan were our subjects. The fitness of the model was tested with LISREL statistical software using structural equation modeling. The results have shown that: (1) Internet addiction has a positive and direct impact on Internet dating; (2) the "Internet dating game" is clearly dangerous, and is one of the potentially most dangerous aspects of internet interaction; (3) the Internet dating game potentially leads to date rape; and (4)the dangerous aspects of intemet interaction have a positive and direct impact on the potential for date rape.
This study, focused on female middle-school students in Taiwan, surveyed and analyzed their Intemet behavior: specifically their meeting and dating of boys (men) through the Intemet. The objectives were to understand any abnormal patterns of interaction, and to establish a model that would show the students' potential to become sexual abuse victims. This model was derived from "victim theory." 442 female third-year middle-school (junior high school) students in Taiwan were our subjects. The fitness of the model was tested with LISREL statistical software using structural equation modeling. The results have shown that: (1) Internet addiction has a positive and direct impact on Internet dating; (2) the "Internet dating game" is clearly dangerous, and is one of the potentially most dangerous aspects of internet interaction; (3) the Internet dating game potentially leads to date rape; and (4)the dangerous aspects of intemet interaction have a positive and direct impact on the potential for date rape.