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依據95年身心障礙者生活需求調查報告(內政部,2007),國內15歲以上的身心障礙者計897,777人,其中勞動力人數為222,990人,勞動參與率24.84%;非勞動力為75.16%。勞動力中的就業者187,602人,佔15歲以上的身心障礙者的20.9 %;失業者35,388人,佔15歲以上的身心障礙者的3.9%。若以勞動力人數為母數,失業者佔15.87%,即為一般所說的失業率。和同年行政院主計處(2007)調查一般人勞動參與率為57.92%相較,身心障礙者勞動參與率約只佔一般人勞動參與率的0.4倍,而失業率卻為一般人的3倍,可見身心障礙者就業時倍極艱辛,其就業議題愈受關注。 身心障礙者在遭遇求職困難時,會轉向尋求社工單位,如職業重建中心尋求服務,以期改善求職困難之處境。然此類單位,在給予輔導策略或建議之方面,並無客觀之標準,而僅透過此類單位職管員(及所謂輔導人員或專業人士)的個人經驗或專長,給予輔導策略或建議,因此,同樣的個案經由不同的輔導人員,往往會得到不同的輔導結果。 國內目前尚無適當之資訊系統化的身心障礙者職涯分析系統,此外國內也並未建立身心障礙者的職涯輔導的標準流程。本研究利用身心障礙者就業影響因素圖及其相關之問卷,將各種輔導策略預先分派至各因素中,以期能改善選擇策略不夠客觀之問題,並利用SVG及相關Web技術,建立一個身心障礙者職涯分析系統。職業重建中心職管員可透過此資訊系統之參考流程,建立身心障礙者個案職涯分析資訊並可具體產生輔導服務策略。我們希望透過這樣的一套資訊系統,能夠有效解決國內身心障礙者的求職問題。
Based on the statistics of 2006 Taiwan government official report, there are 897,777 disabled people who are above the age of 15, including 222,990 labor forces. That is, the labor participation rate for disabled people is Taiwan is 24.84%; non-labor rate is 75.16%. Based on these numbers, the un-employed rate of the disabled people is triple comparing to the normal people. Which means the disabled people is much harder to find a job than the normal people. While people with physical and mental disabilities is facing the difficulties of finding jobs, he will turn to some social organizations, such as the Vocational Rehabilitation Center, for supporting services to improve his employment situations. However, there are no standard procedure and suitable information tools for the staffs (such as counseling or professionals) of these organizations. It happens that the same case might have different or conflict counseling results if the case is served from different staffs. In this study, we use the factor maps from the disabled employment effects and related questionnaire, based on the suggested procedure, to provide an information tool for the staffs of social organizations to help the career analysis of disabled people. The system can provide a questionnaire for disabled people and a factor map will be derived from the results of the questionnaire, then a variety of counseling strategies will be assigned to help the disabled people. Our system is developed using the technologies of SVG and Web programming. Hope that the development of this information system, can help the career counselors to provide a better counseling services for physical and mental disabilities.



XML, SVG, 身心障礙人士職涯分析系統, XML, SVG, Disabilities Career Analysis System





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