

本研究旨在探討高中生個人背景因素、家庭背景因素與父母、老師及同儕等人際互動與求助需求之關係,並根據研究結果歸納結論、研擬建議,以供青少年輔導、親職教育及未來研究者的參考。本研究以就讀於桃園地區五所國立高中二年級學生共計799名為研究對象,使用研究者自行編製的「高中生人際互動與求助需求量表」為研究工具進行調查研究,所得結果使用獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、積差相關分析等統計方法進行資料分析處理。研究結果發現: (一)高中女生在與「父親、母親、老師、同性同儕」的互動需求上,顯著高於 男生;在與「異性同儕」的互動需求方面,無性別差異。 (二)不管是任何出生序(老大、中間子女、老么)或獨生子女,其與「同性同 儕」互動的需求在所有人際的需求中都是最高的;而在與「父親、母親互 動」的需求上,老大較老么為高。 (三)「男女合班」的同學與「老師互動」的需求會高於「男女分班」的同學。 (四)高中生的人際互動需求,並不因與父母的居住狀況、父母社經地位及家庭 人口數的不同而有所影響。 (五)男女高中生在與「父親」發生衝突時,最想求助的對象都是母親。而高中 女生在與「父親」發生衝突時,向人求助的需求會高於男生。 (六)高中男生在與「母親」發生衝突時,以向「兄弟姊妹」求助的需求程度最 高;高中女生在與「母親」發生衝突時,則以向「同性同儕」求助的需求 最高。 (七)高中男女生在課業上有困難時,皆以向同性同儕、異性同儕、老師的求助 為主。 (八)高中男生在心情不好時,向「異性同儕」的求助需求高於女生,而心 情不好時高中女生仍傾向於選擇「同性同儕」為求助對象。 (九)高中生遇有情感困擾時,女生的求助需求大致上是高於男生;但是女生向 母親求助的意願卻又不如男生。 最後根據研究結果,提出建議,以作為父母、教師、輔導工作者及未來研究工作者及未來相關的研究參考。
The aims of this study were to investigate how the variables of individual background and family background of high school students would affect their interpersonal and help-seeking needs with parent, teachers, and peer of it and opposite gender. A sample of 799 senior high school students of grade 2 come from five public senior high schools located in Taoyuan county, Taiwan was used to conduct this study. The questionnaire of interpersonal and help-seeking needs scale for high school students which developed by the author of this study was used for data collection. The data analysis methods including t-test , one-way ANOVA and Spearman product-moment correlation via SPSS 11.5. It was proved that this scale was credited with good reliability and validity. Thus the following conclusions would be drawn: 1.The interpersonal needs in terms of farther, mother, teacher and peer of it for female high school students are significantly higher than what male high school students did. And very high interpersonal needs in term of peer of opposite gender make no difference between male and female high school students. 2.The highest interpersonal need was on peer of its gender for high school students no matter who is the only-child or any birth order child in family;The interpersonal needs on parent for eldest child in family was significantly higher than the youngest one in family. 3.The need of interaction with teachers for students of hybrid gender class was significantly higher than that of the students of single gender class. 4.The factors of marriage status of parent, parent’s social economic status and the family size would not affect the interpersonal needs of high school students. 5.When high school students conflict with farther the preference to seek help were mother, brother& sister or peer of its gender; female high school students had higher willing to seek help than what male students did. 6.When conflict with mother, the preference to seek help for male high school students were brother & sister or peer of its gender; the preference for female high school students were peer of its gender or brother & sister. 7.When high school students had learning problems in school, they would seek help from peer of its gender, peer of opposite gender and then teachers in the school. 8.When high school students were in blue mood, male students had higher willing of seeking help from peer of opposite gender than what female students did. 9.When get into problem of affection, basically female high school students need more help-seeking than male students did but it’s contrary on seeking help from mother.



人際互動需求, 求助需求, 高中生, 性別, 分班方式, 出生序, 父母社經地位, 家庭人口數, interpersonal help-seeking needs, high school student, gender, class classified, birth order, social economic status, family size





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