
dc.contributor.authorPai, Fen-Ruen_US
dc.description.abstract有感於非漢字文化圈的華語學習者在聽說讀寫的過程中,所遭遇到最大的困難就是書寫漢字,但由於課堂時間有限,華語教師很難逐字教導寫漢字,因此漢字的書寫練習,得靠學習者於課後自行完成,常需依賴生字簿上的筆順提示枯燥地反覆練習,本研究期望能以生動的漢字筆畫順序動畫提升學習者練習寫漢字的學習動機,以增強漢字學習的成效。由於現代科技發達,網路及行動載具普及,即時通訊軟體也成為人們重要的溝通平台,本研究乃藉此結合漢字筆畫順序動畫之數位教材,試探能否提升受試者之漢字學習成效。 本研究以智慧型手機結合即時通訊軟體Line的群組聊天室當作學習平台,傳送漢字筆畫順序動畫影音檔及微型教學影片作為補充教材,讓25位華語文能力測驗A1級以下非漢字文化圈之受試者自主學習,並將當日所學之漢字手寫作業拍照上傳Line群組,經過四週(20天)實驗課程,最後以19位受試者之前後測及問卷作為量化的研究數據,並佐以訪談資料,作為質性分析,探討行動載具之智慧型手機結合即時通訊軟體Line運用於漢字教學的成效。 經統計分析結果,後測成績高於前測,有顯著性差異;又歸納分析訪談資料及問卷數據,得到受試者因使用本研究行動學習方式,感受學習上之便利性、即時性,及無所不在之反覆練習,因而提高了學習動機及學習成效之結果;由此可見,行動載具學習工具對於漢字學習有正向之助益。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn regards to the learning process of Chinese characters and the Chinese language, the biggest problem that is encountered is the writing of Chinese characters. But there is not very much time to teach the writing of Chinese characters during classes in the classroom. After classroom teachings, students must follow the stroke order suggestions in their character writing books and diligently practice writing. This study hopes to replace with lively Chinese character stroke order animations to see if they can promote the learning motivation of writing Chinese characters, in the meantime,to enhance the learning effects. Due to the development of modern technology, internet and the mobile devices available for people, the ease of learning has been improved. In this study, smartphones are combined with the instant messaging software “Line”, in which a Line Group is created and is treated as a study platform to send and receive recorded animations of Chinese character stroke order as well as miniature educational videos as a supplement of teaching materials, letting students watch these stroke order animations at any time and from any place after having lessons in the classroom. Furthermore, they have to pick up a pen and practice writing characters, take a photo of the writing practice results and upload it onto the Line group chat room. The group chat members can then watch each other’s work and it might encourage each other. This will make practicing writing Chinese characters a straightforward and habitual action. This study hypothesizes that having this sort of digital method of study can raise the students’ motivation to learn and, furthermore, strengthen their ability to write and recognize characters. Because of the aforementioned reasons, this study recruited 25 participants, with a level of Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) A1 or lower, to take part in a four-week (each week consisting of five days, 20 days in total) educational experimentation course. Before the beginning of the four weeks, a pre-course exam and a pre-questionnaire were conducted. After the end of the four weeks, there were a post-course exam, a post-questionnaire, and a semi-structured in-depth interview. In the end, 19 participants’ data was used for analysis, and 6 interviewees’ opinions were induced. According to this statistical analysis, the scores of the post-course exams were higher than the pre-course exam, with a remarkable difference between the two. To summarize, through the analyses of interviews as well as of the data from the questionnaires of the participants, we received feedback that the method of the study was convenient, immediate, consistently available, and allowed them to repeatedly practice. As a result, this study improved the participants’ learning motivation and learning effects. Therefore, it can be seen that mobile device “smartphone” and instant messaging software “Line” being used as a learning tool for the study of Chinese characters actually showed positive benefits.en_US
dc.subjectMobile Deviceen_US
dc.subjectInstant Messaging software Lineen_US
dc.subjectChinese Characters Teachingen_US
dc.subjectLearning effects and motivationen_US
dc.titleInvestigating the Effects of using Mobile Devices as a Learning Tool for the Study of Chinese Characters - Using Smartphone and Instant Messaging Software such as Line as the Exampleen_US

