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我國升學制度促使學生運用不同生涯抉擇策略,連帶影響後續生涯發展結果;其中,生涯抉擇過程受眾多因素影響,家長工具性支持而形塑生涯進路。本研究旨在透過Lent 與Brown (2013) 之社會認知生涯模式,瞭解我國高職與綜合高中專門職業學程學生大學升學階段之選填志願決策考量與日後就業收入之關聯,以及家長對其子女之生涯抉擇之支持度是否調節前述關聯性。本研究分析〈臺灣青少年成長歷程研究〉資料庫之數據,以民國89年就讀臺北市、臺北縣(今新北市)以及宜蘭縣國中一年級且日後就讀高職或綜合高中專門職業學程畢業後直升大學進入職場之世代為母群體(n = 296),透過多元迴歸等統計方法進行研究,研究結果如下:一、高職學生之家長工具性支持對於學生選填志願決策考量(決策考量學校或是科系)與未來就業月收入之關聯不具顯著調節效果。二、高職學生選填志願決策考量與月收入不具顯著關聯。三、高職學生之家長工具性支持程度越高,學生未來就業月收入也越高。基於上述研究結果提供建議,供家長、教師、輔導老師為實務參考,包括以下幾點:一、家長於孩子高三時,給予良好讀書環境。二、家長在孩子升學期間,應尊重孩子生涯決策。三、家長於孩子升學期間,宜管控孩子生活作息。四、導師、輔導老師應輔導家長參與學生生涯輔導活動及在校學習。五、學校與政府機關需提供相關資源與援助(例如:提供環境資源、協助學生生涯規劃)協助家長與學生進行生涯與升學規劃。
During the college admission process, students in Taiwan must use different strategies to land on their dream choice of major and college, which in turn has a great impact on their career development. Several factors influence the strategy use, such as suggestions from significant social and institutional agents (e.g., parents). In this study, I investigated the relationship between college choice strategies and future income, and the moderating role of parents’ instrumental support in the aforementioned relationship among students enrolled in vocational senior high school and the professional track in comprehensive senior high schools in Taiwan through the lens of social cognitive career theory (Lent& Brown, 2013). I analyzed the seventh-grade cohort panel data of the Taiwan Youth Project database (n = 296), in which participants resided in the Taipei City, Taipei County (now New Taipei City) and Yilan County and attended vocational senior high school or the professional track in comprehensive senior high schools and had jobs immediately after college graduation. Multiple regression analysis showed that: 1. Students’ college admission strategies are not related to their later income. 2. Parental instrumental support when the child is in 12th grade is related to their income, but it does not moderate the relationship between students’ college admission strategies and later income.Based on the aforementioned research findings, the following suggestions are provided for parents, teachers, and counselors of skills-based senior high schools as practical references:1. Parents are encouraged to provide an ideal environment for study for their children, regulate their children’s daily routines, and ensure they have a balanced daily schedule during their senior year of high school.2. Parents should respect their children's career decisions during the process of choosing a school or major. 3. Teachers and counselors should guide parents and students to participate in career counseling activities and stay involved in their children's academic progress. 4. Schools and government authorities should offer timely support, such as providing environmental resources and assisting students with career planning, to all family and students.
During the college admission process, students in Taiwan must use different strategies to land on their dream choice of major and college, which in turn has a great impact on their career development. Several factors influence the strategy use, such as suggestions from significant social and institutional agents (e.g., parents). In this study, I investigated the relationship between college choice strategies and future income, and the moderating role of parents’ instrumental support in the aforementioned relationship among students enrolled in vocational senior high school and the professional track in comprehensive senior high schools in Taiwan through the lens of social cognitive career theory (Lent& Brown, 2013). I analyzed the seventh-grade cohort panel data of the Taiwan Youth Project database (n = 296), in which participants resided in the Taipei City, Taipei County (now New Taipei City) and Yilan County and attended vocational senior high school or the professional track in comprehensive senior high schools and had jobs immediately after college graduation. Multiple regression analysis showed that: 1. Students’ college admission strategies are not related to their later income. 2. Parental instrumental support when the child is in 12th grade is related to their income, but it does not moderate the relationship between students’ college admission strategies and later income.Based on the aforementioned research findings, the following suggestions are provided for parents, teachers, and counselors of skills-based senior high schools as practical references:1. Parents are encouraged to provide an ideal environment for study for their children, regulate their children’s daily routines, and ensure they have a balanced daily schedule during their senior year of high school.2. Parents should respect their children's career decisions during the process of choosing a school or major. 3. Teachers and counselors should guide parents and students to participate in career counseling activities and stay involved in their children's academic progress. 4. Schools and government authorities should offer timely support, such as providing environmental resources and assisting students with career planning, to all family and students.
社會認知生涯模式, 升學決策考量, 家長工具性支持, 臺灣青少年成長歷程研究, social cognitive career theory, educational decisions, parental instrumental support, Taiwan Youth Project