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Office of Research and Development
Office of Research and Development
本研究的目的在探討準諮商員性別、督導員性別和支持程度,對準諮商員所知覺的督導滿意度、接受督導意願及自我效能等向度的影響。本研究採用模擬研究法,即編製模擬督導情境,並拍攝成四卷實驗錄影帶,分別是:「男督導員表現出低支持程度」、「男督導員表現出高支持程」、「女督導員表現出低支持程度」、「女督導員表現出高支持程度」等四卷,研究者以國內教育心理與輔導研究所、輔導研究所及心理學研究所諮商組正在專業督導的協助下從事諮商實習的研究生為研究對象稱為準諮商 ) 共 50 位, 其中男性 17 位位、女性 33 位。本研究進行時,邀請研究對象重複觀賞四卷錄帶觀賞後,填寫「督導滿意度量表」 (包括督導關滿意量表、督導員行為滿意量表、督導員特質滿意量表 )、「接受督導意願量表」及「自我效能量表」。所得資料分別進行一個獨立樣本與二個相依樣本之三因子 2 x2x2 多變項變異數分析及單變項變異數分析,以考驗各項假設。研究結果顯示: 一。準諮商員性別和督導員性別在「督導滿意度」、「接受督導意願」和「自效能」等督導效困的指標上,並沒有適配性存在。二、在低支持的督導情境下, 男準諮商員對於反項督導效果的評估皆較女準諮商員為正向;在高支持的督導情境下,男女準諮員的評估則無著差異。三、男、女準諮商員對於高支持程度督導的各項督導效果評估皆高於各項督導效果的評估皆較女準諮商員為對於高支持程度督導的各項督導效果評估皆高於低支持程度督導。四、在低支持的督導情境下,準諮商員對於男女督導員的「督導滿意度」、「接受督導意」願兩項督導效果的評估並無顥著的差異;在高支持的督導情境下,準諮商員對於女督導員的兩項督導效果評估則高於男督導員。五、準諮商員不論是接受男督導員或女督導效困評估皆高於低支持程度督導。最後根據研究結果,做進一步的探討,並提出建議,以供諮商、督導人員在進行督導晤談或督導研究時的參考。
An analogue research design was used to examine the effedt of supervisees' and superior's gender and level of support on satisfaction of supervision, willingness to be supervised and supervisee self-efficacy. Four experimental video tapes were recorded to depict a "male supervisor with low support", "male supervisor with high support", "female supervisor with low support, ", and "female supervisor with high support". A total of 50 counselors-in-training(i.e. supervisess) who were all graduate students in counseling psychology participated in the study. Seventeen of the supervisees were males and 33 were females. Each participant watched all four supervison video tapes. After watching the tapes, they com-pleted "Satisfaction of Supervision Inventory", "Supervison-Willingness Inventory", and "Self-Efficacy In-ventory" to obtain a measure of outcome of supervision. The data obtained was analyzed by a three-way repeated MANOVA and ANOVA. The results showed that:I Male and female supervisees have no significant difference in gender preference for supervisor. II. There is significant interaction effect be-tween supervisees' gender and level of supervisor support on satisfaction of supervision, supervison-willingness, and self-efficacy. Further findings indicate that: (1) In the low-support conpervisees rated their satisfaction of supervision, supervison-willingness, and self-efficacy as more posi-tive than female supervisees;However, no significant difference was showed in the high-support condition, male su-pervisees rated their satisfaction of supervision, supervison-willingness, and self-efficacy as more posi-tive than female supervisees: However, no significant difference was showed in the high-support condi-tion. (2)Both male and female supervisees in the high-support condition rated their satisfaction of su-pervision, supervison-willingness, and self-efficacy as more positive than in the low-support condition. III.There is significant interaction effect between supe
An analogue research design was used to examine the effedt of supervisees' and superior's gender and level of support on satisfaction of supervision, willingness to be supervised and supervisee self-efficacy. Four experimental video tapes were recorded to depict a "male supervisor with low support", "male supervisor with high support", "female supervisor with low support, ", and "female supervisor with high support". A total of 50 counselors-in-training(i.e. supervisess) who were all graduate students in counseling psychology participated in the study. Seventeen of the supervisees were males and 33 were females. Each participant watched all four supervison video tapes. After watching the tapes, they com-pleted "Satisfaction of Supervision Inventory", "Supervison-Willingness Inventory", and "Self-Efficacy In-ventory" to obtain a measure of outcome of supervision. The data obtained was analyzed by a three-way repeated MANOVA and ANOVA. The results showed that:I Male and female supervisees have no significant difference in gender preference for supervisor. II. There is significant interaction effect be-tween supervisees' gender and level of supervisor support on satisfaction of supervision, supervison-willingness, and self-efficacy. Further findings indicate that: (1) In the low-support conpervisees rated their satisfaction of supervision, supervison-willingness, and self-efficacy as more posi-tive than female supervisees;However, no significant difference was showed in the high-support condition, male su-pervisees rated their satisfaction of supervision, supervison-willingness, and self-efficacy as more posi-tive than female supervisees: However, no significant difference was showed in the high-support condi-tion. (2)Both male and female supervisees in the high-support condition rated their satisfaction of su-pervision, supervison-willingness, and self-efficacy as more positive than in the low-support condition. III.There is significant interaction effect between supe