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第一章 緒論―包括研究動機與目的及研究範圍與方法,研究與創作的關係。
第二章 從哲學、社會學、心理學的學理觀點來分析台灣當代社會中疏離、盲從、不守法、老病的現象及心理因素。
第三章 分析以呈現現實主義的中外人物畫作,並從中學習、思考其創作理念、造形、思維和技巧方法。
第四章 陳述本研究的創作理念,分析相關的畫派理論、畫家理念與造形、技法和媒材的關聯。
第五章 以七件作品做為本次創作的內容說明。主要在於以具象寫實的人物畫,描述當代社會面相,傳達個人對問題及週遭生活的感受。一方面在形式語彙上重新探索其可能性,另一方面則以象徵、批判性的視覺圖像,為當今社會現實生活做一側寫。
第六章 本次創作的總結說明。
This paper is mainly the exploration about the figure paintings on ordinary people engaged in certain aspects of everyday life. The painting of the emotional world of human beings, including the depiction of outside world or the interior world of the mind of ordinary people has been manifested. These figure paintings directly reflect the real life in modern Taiwan. This paper investigates the unnoticed phenomena of society associated with the social problem in Taiwan. The observation and speculation of these social problems have been discussed as well as the paintings on ordinary people collected either domestically or internationally. How these images of paintings are produced has been manifested from the points of view of sociology and psychology, in order to investigate the factors of social problems such as indifference, assentation, unlawful acts, aging and sickness in modern society. In search of logos of the multiple elements, the psychological states of the ordinary people have been illustrated. This paper is dedicated to the exploration and manifestation of Chinese freehand figure paintings of ordinary people from the above-mentioned perspectives: Chapter 1: Introduction—including motivation, goal, scope, method and the relation between this research and artistic creation. Chapter 2: The analysis of Taiwan society in terms of indifference, assentation, unlawful acts, aging and sickness from the perspectives of philosophy, sociology, psychology. Chapter 3: The analysis of realistic paintings of local or foreign ordinary people and the study and inspection of beliefs behind the artistic creations, compositions and the techniques of drawings. Chapter 4: The statement of beliefs behind the artistic creations of this research and the analysis of theories of related painting schools, the beliefs of the painters and the associations among composition, techniques and media. Chapter 5: The exposition of seven paintings depicting the aspects of contemporary society based on the realistic figures on the pictures and conveying the problems confronted and reflections of everyday life. On the one hand, the possibilities have been looked into from the ideological vocabulary. One the other hand, the illustrations of the contemporary everyday life have been reached through symbolic, critical visual images. Chapter 6: The conclusion of the artistic creations.
This paper is mainly the exploration about the figure paintings on ordinary people engaged in certain aspects of everyday life. The painting of the emotional world of human beings, including the depiction of outside world or the interior world of the mind of ordinary people has been manifested. These figure paintings directly reflect the real life in modern Taiwan. This paper investigates the unnoticed phenomena of society associated with the social problem in Taiwan. The observation and speculation of these social problems have been discussed as well as the paintings on ordinary people collected either domestically or internationally. How these images of paintings are produced has been manifested from the points of view of sociology and psychology, in order to investigate the factors of social problems such as indifference, assentation, unlawful acts, aging and sickness in modern society. In search of logos of the multiple elements, the psychological states of the ordinary people have been illustrated. This paper is dedicated to the exploration and manifestation of Chinese freehand figure paintings of ordinary people from the above-mentioned perspectives: Chapter 1: Introduction—including motivation, goal, scope, method and the relation between this research and artistic creation. Chapter 2: The analysis of Taiwan society in terms of indifference, assentation, unlawful acts, aging and sickness from the perspectives of philosophy, sociology, psychology. Chapter 3: The analysis of realistic paintings of local or foreign ordinary people and the study and inspection of beliefs behind the artistic creations, compositions and the techniques of drawings. Chapter 4: The statement of beliefs behind the artistic creations of this research and the analysis of theories of related painting schools, the beliefs of the painters and the associations among composition, techniques and media. Chapter 5: The exposition of seven paintings depicting the aspects of contemporary society based on the realistic figures on the pictures and conveying the problems confronted and reflections of everyday life. On the one hand, the possibilities have been looked into from the ideological vocabulary. One the other hand, the illustrations of the contemporary everyday life have been reached through symbolic, critical visual images. Chapter 6: The conclusion of the artistic creations.
台灣當代, 社會問題, 現實主義, 水墨人物畫, modern Taiwan, social problem, realism, Chinese figure painting