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本研究旨在應用計畫行為理論探討體育班學生學習行為與生涯發展之內涵,並探討不同背景變項體育班學生在學習行為與生涯發展之差異情形,同時,分析體育班學生學習行為與生涯發展之關聯性。透過自編之「臺北市公立高中職體育班學生學習行為與生涯發展調查問卷」為研究工具,以臺北市19所公立高中職設有體育班的學生為研究對象,有效樣本共1,195位進行調查。所得資料以描述統計、單因子變異數分析及典型相關等統計方法進行分析,其研究結果如下: 一、體育班學生在學習行為方面,態度是主要影響學習行為因素。其中,體育班對於學習過程可以提升專項運動知識和能力得分最高,顯示體育班學生認知到體育班學習中提升自我專項運動能力之重要性。其次,在生涯發展方面以生涯探索情況最佳,生涯規劃次之,生涯定向最差,顯示體育班學生對於自己的運動專長興趣、能力與升學或就業方向等資訊的來源是豐富的,能依據運動表現、課業表現規劃,但在如何實現選擇方面得分最低,可看出體育班學生在目標選擇與達成目標的規劃能力不足。 二、體育班學生的學習行為會受到性別、年級、專長項目、學業成績、運動成就及訓練年資差異的影響而有不同的結果。其次,在生涯發展方面,除運動專長外,不同性別、年級、訓練年資、學業成績、運動成就之體育班學生其生涯發展有顯著差異存在。 三、體育班學生的學習行為與生涯發展間有典型相關存在,其解釋力為23.72%;其中,絕大部分的解釋力來自於第一個典型因素(ρ=.612)。且學習行為之「主觀規範」、「知覺行為」、「態度」分別影響生涯發展之「生涯探索」、「生涯定向」、「生涯規劃」的主要因素。本研究結果證實體育班學生學習行為與生涯發展間確實有相關性的存在,且學習行為愈正向則生涯發展愈正向。 根據本研究之發現提出以下結論:體育班學生的學習行為與生涯發展確實會因為學生背景變項的不同而有不一致的情形;其次,學習行為與生涯發展兩者間具有相互影響的關係存在。
This study focuses on the learning behavior of senior high school students specializing in athletics and their career development. Differences in these students’ learning behavior and career development are explored based on their personal background variables. The relationship between their learning behavior and career development is investigated by applying the Questionnaire of the Learning Behavior and Career Development for Taipei City Public High School Students Specializing in Athletics to 1,195 public high school students specializing in athletics. The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, and canonical correlation analysis, and the results are as follows: 1. In terms of learning behavior, attitude is the main factor influencing the learning behavior of the high school students specializing in athletics. These students score highest in enhancing professional athletic knowledge and ability in the learning process revealing these students’ awareness of the importance of enhancing their own professional athletic ability. In regard to career development, career exploration and career planning are scored the first and second highest and the lowest one is career orientation. The results suggest that these high school students have sufficient information related to their athletic specialty, ability, and future schooling as well as employment. However, they scored the lowest in how to achieve their goals suggesting the insufficient ability of these students in choosing their goals and the planning of achieving these. 2. The learning behavior of these high school students is influenced by their gender, grades, specialty, academic performance, athletic achievements, and years of training. In regard to their career development, there are statistically significant differences among students with different genders, grade levels, years of training, academic achievements, and athletic achievements. 3. There is canonical correlation between the learning behavior and career development for senior high school students specializing in athletics. The explaining capability is 23.72%. The first canonical correlation variable provides the most explaining capability(ρ=.612). The subjective norm, perception of behavior, and attitude in learning behavior are the main factors influencing these students’ career exploration, orientation, and planning. The results of this study suggest the correlations between learning behavior and career development of the senior high school students specializing in athletics. The more positive the leaning behavior is, the more positive the career development will likely be. In conclusion, the different personal backgrounds of the senior high school students have a influence on their learning behavior and career development. There is a correlation between the learning behavior and career development of the senior high school students specializing in athletics.



體育班, 計畫行為理論, 生涯發展, the senior high school students specializing in athletics, the theory of planned behavior, career development





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