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  自我價值感的研究雖廣泛,然而,華語教師於近年來才成為較熱門的新興行業,目前較少針對華語教師進行的自我價值感研究,故本研究旨在探討目前在世界各國任教的華語教師的發展現況,以及在不同背景變項國際上的華語教師自我價值感之差異。為達研究目的,透過文獻探討方式,彙整有關自我價值感之意涵及其相關研究,續以隨機抽樣方式針對國際上的華語教師進行問卷調查,共計發放200份問卷,回收問卷172份,有效問卷169份,有效回收問卷比率為98.83%。 經由SPSS 23.0統計分析,透過t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關分析研究結果顯示,「年齡」、「宗教信仰」、「教學服務年資」、「任教地區」、「擔任職務」、「薪資水平」與「是否具備華語教學專業背景」此七個變項對華語教師的自我價值感呈現顯著性差異;而影響華語教師整體自我價值感主要是受到「教學表現」的影響最強,「外在支持」的影響次之,最弱的影響則為「宗教信仰」。
 Although the research on the sense of self-worth is widespread, however, TCSL teachers have only become a hot new industry in recent years. At present, there is less research on the self-worth of TCSL teachers. The main purpose of this study is to investigate TCSL teachers’ self-worth with different background variables. To achieve the purpose of this study, a literature review was conducted to examine relevant literature about self-worth. Subsequently, a survey was conducted among the TCSL teachers around the world by means of purposive sampling method. A total of 200 copies of the questionnaire were distributed, 172 copies return and 169 valid copies were retrieved with a recovery rate of 98.83%. The collected data was analyzed with SPSS 23.0. Statistical methods including t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation analysis, the results were statistically significant differences were found among TCSL teachers’ self-worth with different ages, religion, teaching seniority, teaching region, taking charge of job, salary, and the specialized field background of TCSL. The influence of TCSL teachers’ self-worth was mainly due to the teaching performance, the external support of the second, and the weakest was the god’s love.



華語教師, 華語教學, 自我價值, 自尊, TCSL, self-worth, self-esteem, TCSL teachers





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