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本研究的背景與動機源自於近年文化觀光的蓬勃發展,以及目的地意象在旅遊決策中所扮演的重要角色。綜觀國內外目的地意象的相關研究,鮮少是針對特殊主題的觀光景點,例如文學觀光,故本研究以莎士比亞故鄉Stratford-upon-Avon作為個案探討,探討文學地方意象以及影響意象型塑背後的原因,期望在文化\文學觀光與旅遊意象的相關研究上做出具體的貢獻。 於研究方法部份,多數的研究是採用量化的途徑擷取意象,並調查意象型塑的影響因素。然而本研究為求深入探討文學地方意象的建構,決定採用質性的途徑,以自由揭露法擷取意象,並透過半結構式深度訪談探索意象型塑的原因。於訪談對象的選取,以立意抽樣法尋找各五位英國與台灣籍遊客進行研究的訪談。 本研究第一個部份為文學觀光意象的擷取。結果發現遊客在Stratford感知的意象傾向獨特功能性與獨特心理性的層面,顯示出遊客在文學觀光景點能夠感受到更多不同於一般觀光景點的意象。在獨特功能性的意象方面多與莎士比亞有關,證實莎翁作為型塑Stratford地方意象的重要性;在獨特心理性的意象部份則是由文人所營造出文化與文學的氛圍,以及Stratford城鎮的歷史與都鐸式建築特色所引起的情感意象,由此可知文學觀光景點的意象偏重在文學與歷史文化層面。 本研究第二個部份聚焦於影響文學意象型塑的原因,從「文化距離」、「文學觀光客類型論」與「Baloglu& McCleary個人與激勵因素之意象形成架構」三個主題來探討。結果發現:(一)受到文化距離的影響,英國遊客本身的歷史文化背景,讓他們在Stratford的旅遊體驗有較強烈的文化情感連結,因此對歷史層面的意象有深刻的感觸,相較之下,台灣遊客因為與英國文化距離較遙遠,故無法對當地的歷史文化有更進一步的情感互動,而感受的意象偏向文化商品的層面。(二)從文學觀光的動機和體驗深度兩個構面將十位受訪者分成四類文學觀光客,並分析動機與體驗深度如何影響文學觀光客對意象感知的差異,結果發現遊客主要受到動機的影響,而體驗深度只有有限的影響。(三)在個人因素方面,意象的型塑僅有受到教育背景以及職業的影響。在激勵因素部份,遊客會受到教育資源、影視媒體、旅遊手冊、當地導覽與觀光單位所提供資訊,以及之前旅遊經驗的影響。
The motivation of this research derives from the increasing importance of cultural tourism as well as the critical role of destination image in traveling decision making. With a literature review on tourism destination image (TDI), few studies are focused on special-interest tourism such as cultural tourism and none has taken literary places from the perspective of TDI. Hence, this paper will be the first research to link these two research issues: literary tourism and destination image. In this research, Shakespeare’s hometown, Stratford-upon-Avon, is chosen as a case study. Qualitative method is adopted and a semi-structured interview is conducted both to extract tourists’ perceived images and to delve into the formation of destination image. The first part of the research explores different dimensions of literary destination images. The results show that the perceived images are more about unique-functional and unique-psychological components, which indicates that literary destination images are different from those of mass tourism destinations. Most of the unique-functional images are related to Shakespeare, which confirms a literary figure in shaping place imagery. The unique-psychological images are derived from the cultural and literary ambiance of the literary place. Besides, Stratford’s history and Tudor architecture also provoke tourists’ affective images. All in all, literary destination images feature the literary, historical and cultural dimensions. The second part of the research focuses on the formation of destination image, which is examined from three aspects: (1) cultural distance, (2) literary tourist typology, (3) Baloglu& McCleary’s framework of destination image formation. The results show that (1) affected by cultural distance, British tourists’ cultural and historical backgrounds lead to images of historical aspect, while Taiwanese tourists, due to larger cultural distance, are perceiving images related to literary and cultural merchandises. (2) Four types of literary tourists are classified based on the dimensions of literary motive and depth of literary experience. The analysis shows that tourists are affected by motivation while the depth of experience only has limited influence. (3) Concerning personal factors, Stratford’s images are affected only by profession and educational backgrounds. Regarding stimulus factors, Stratford’s images are affected by educational resource, media, brochures, tour guide, tourism industry and previous travel experiences.



目的地意象, 莎翁故居, 文學觀光, 文學觀光客, 個案研究, 質性研究, Stratford-upon-Avon, Destination Image, Literary Tourism, Literary Tourist, Case Study, Qualitative Research





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