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本研究採用德懷術(Delphi Technique),邀集課程專家組20位及實務教師組20位,對於教材細目的修改、增刪意見,建構健康次領域教材細目,並請研究對象針對各能力指標所發展出的教材細目進行重要性排序,共進行四次問卷調查。
This study aims to develop the third-phased teaching material suggestions for the sub-area of Health in the area of Health and Physical Education, to realize how professionals and junior high school teachers rank the suggestions in terms of their respective significance, to compare the differences in the ranking made by the two groups, and to provide teachers of Health Education with the directions for compiling teaching material in the future. To begin with, the professors responsible for directing the composition of the temporary guidelines of the learning area of Health and Physical Education and the members of the editing committee of the textbooks make an attributive analysis on the competence indicators in this area. Those classified as “health education-based competence indicators” and “ integrated health education and physical education competence indicators” are chosen as the competence indicators for the sub-area of Health. Furthermore, the teaching material suggestions were first composed based on twenty-three supplementary explanations of the competence indicators as well as the curriculum structures of the three versions of textbooks already published. The research method adopted in this study is Delphi Technique. First, a group composed of twenty curriculum experts and another group with twenty junior high school teachers were asked to fill out a questionnaire in terms of the adaptation, addition, deletion, development, and the ranking of significance of the teaching material suggestions for the sub-area of Health. This questionnaire survey was conducted four times in total. After data analysis, the conclusions were acquired as follows. 1.In the first axial topic “Growth and Development,” the introduction of the content of the ten human systems should be retained for students to learn essential knowledge of health and healthy habits. Besides, there is much similarity on the topic of sex teaching materials with that in the area of Integrative Activities. 2.In the second axial topic “People and Food,” some competence indicators or supplementary explanations of the competence appear too difficult and go beyond junior high school students’learning ability. 3.Both curriculum professionals and junior high school teachers present a high degree of agreement on the fifth axial topic, “Safe Life,” within each group respectively. However, both groups show a greater difference in the ranking in terms of significance of the teaching material suggestions. 4.Some competence indicators in the sixth axial topic, “Healthy Mind,” overlap with the related content in the area of Integrative Activities. 5.Within the group of junior high school teachers, there is general agreement on the seventh axial topic, “Population Health,” but there is a diversity of opinion of that topic within the group of curriculum professionals. 6.Junior high school teachers present more agreement on their viewpoints of the teaching material suggestions than curriculum professionals do. However, there is little correlation in the ranking of significance of the teaching material suggestions between the two groups. Based on the conclusions of this study, there are some suggestions rendered for the directions of future researches. 1.Suggestions for administrative organizations: (1)Make an inspection focusing on disputable competence indicators and set up competence indicators mainly based on “Health.” (2)Specify the teaching material suggestions and their related grades of the students for textbook publishers. (3)Make sure of the priority of the teaching material suggestions in order to avoid lagging in the process of teaching. 2.Suggestions for those who use the teaching material suggestions to develop the content of teaching material: (1)While compiling teaching material, take the first two thirds of the teaching material suggestions into consideration and keep the others in flexible use. (2)While applying the teaching material suggestions, adopt the method of designing teaching activities based on a set of theme models. 3.Suggestions for the directions of future researches: (1)Develop appropriate exemplary teaching material based on competence indicators or the teaching material suggestions. (2)Develop designs of teaching activities based on important teaching material suggestions. (3)Conduct questionnaire surveys, solicit opinions, and adapt the teaching material suggestions with the health education teachers in junior high school on a large scale.
This study aims to develop the third-phased teaching material suggestions for the sub-area of Health in the area of Health and Physical Education, to realize how professionals and junior high school teachers rank the suggestions in terms of their respective significance, to compare the differences in the ranking made by the two groups, and to provide teachers of Health Education with the directions for compiling teaching material in the future. To begin with, the professors responsible for directing the composition of the temporary guidelines of the learning area of Health and Physical Education and the members of the editing committee of the textbooks make an attributive analysis on the competence indicators in this area. Those classified as “health education-based competence indicators” and “ integrated health education and physical education competence indicators” are chosen as the competence indicators for the sub-area of Health. Furthermore, the teaching material suggestions were first composed based on twenty-three supplementary explanations of the competence indicators as well as the curriculum structures of the three versions of textbooks already published. The research method adopted in this study is Delphi Technique. First, a group composed of twenty curriculum experts and another group with twenty junior high school teachers were asked to fill out a questionnaire in terms of the adaptation, addition, deletion, development, and the ranking of significance of the teaching material suggestions for the sub-area of Health. This questionnaire survey was conducted four times in total. After data analysis, the conclusions were acquired as follows. 1.In the first axial topic “Growth and Development,” the introduction of the content of the ten human systems should be retained for students to learn essential knowledge of health and healthy habits. Besides, there is much similarity on the topic of sex teaching materials with that in the area of Integrative Activities. 2.In the second axial topic “People and Food,” some competence indicators or supplementary explanations of the competence appear too difficult and go beyond junior high school students’learning ability. 3.Both curriculum professionals and junior high school teachers present a high degree of agreement on the fifth axial topic, “Safe Life,” within each group respectively. However, both groups show a greater difference in the ranking in terms of significance of the teaching material suggestions. 4.Some competence indicators in the sixth axial topic, “Healthy Mind,” overlap with the related content in the area of Integrative Activities. 5.Within the group of junior high school teachers, there is general agreement on the seventh axial topic, “Population Health,” but there is a diversity of opinion of that topic within the group of curriculum professionals. 6.Junior high school teachers present more agreement on their viewpoints of the teaching material suggestions than curriculum professionals do. However, there is little correlation in the ranking of significance of the teaching material suggestions between the two groups. Based on the conclusions of this study, there are some suggestions rendered for the directions of future researches. 1.Suggestions for administrative organizations: (1)Make an inspection focusing on disputable competence indicators and set up competence indicators mainly based on “Health.” (2)Specify the teaching material suggestions and their related grades of the students for textbook publishers. (3)Make sure of the priority of the teaching material suggestions in order to avoid lagging in the process of teaching. 2.Suggestions for those who use the teaching material suggestions to develop the content of teaching material: (1)While compiling teaching material, take the first two thirds of the teaching material suggestions into consideration and keep the others in flexible use. (2)While applying the teaching material suggestions, adopt the method of designing teaching activities based on a set of theme models. 3.Suggestions for the directions of future researches: (1)Develop appropriate exemplary teaching material based on competence indicators or the teaching material suggestions. (2)Develop designs of teaching activities based on important teaching material suggestions. (3)Conduct questionnaire surveys, solicit opinions, and adapt the teaching material suggestions with the health education teachers in junior high school on a large scale.
健康與體育學習領域, 健康次領域, 教材細目, 德懷術, earning area of Health and Physical Education, sub-area of Health, teaching, material suggestions, Delphi Technique