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回顧臺灣的產業發展,糖業是過去重要的產業之一。日治時期總督府在臺灣進行殖民地式經濟的策略下,新式糖廠的設立加速了糖業的生產量與發展,新式糖廠的設立除了奠定日治時期糖業的發展外,對所在地周遭的市街與聚落有著空間上的連結性與互動。然而,在新式糖廠與市街發展相關的研究中,較少研究對臺南地區有所著墨,因此本研究欲透過成長極理論(growth pole theory)對臺南地區九座新式糖廠與市街發展的關係進行探究與了解。 本研究透過文獻回顧整理、實地田野調查及訪談等方法,分別探究臺南地區九座新式糖廠的設立歷程及區位、新式糖廠帶來的地方經濟效益、市街聚落的機能分析等層面。在九座新式糖廠的區位部分,原料及水源區位是設廠的必備要素,交通運輸區位未必靠近縱貫鐵路,可以透過其他交通方式與縱貫鐵路連接,勞動力區位則是靠近聚落設廠以確保勞動力來源。在新式糖廠的地方經濟效益部分,新式糖廠大多對所在地區帶來明顯的人口成長、對附近市街也帶來商業活動的效益,但在建成區擴張的部分大多較為有限,由此推測,新式糖廠是作為市街商業腹地的一部分,對市街發展可能只是其中一個影響要素。從行政機能的投入觀點來看,九座新式糖廠附近的市街,除了新營外,大多延續著清領末期已成型的階層等級發展,行政機關的設立也有著慣性效應,多延續自清領時期已有的市街階層作為設立地點的選擇,較無另外開闢新的市街設立行政機關的現象,由此推測,除了新式糖廠帶來的效益外,市街本身能夠發展茁壯,行政機能的投入、市街本身維持其原有的商業機能層級的慣性發展,也是促進市街發展重要的因素。
Looking back on Taiwan’s industrial development, the sugar industry is one of the important industries in the past . During the period of Japanese rule, the colonial government enforced the colonial economic strategy in Taiwan. The establishment of the new sugar factories accelerated the production and the development of the sugar industry. In addition, there had the spatial connectivity and interaction with the town and settlement around the new sugar factories. However, few researches have focused on the relationship between the new sugar factories and the development of the towns in Tainan. Thus, this research was to investigate the relationship between the nine new sugar factories in Tainan and the development of the towns by the growth pole theory. Through literature review, fieldwork and interviews, this research explored the establishment history and locations of nine new sugar factories in Tainan, the local economic benefits brought by the new sugar factories, and the analysis of the functions of urban settlements. In terms of nine new sugar factories’ locations, the location of raw materials and water sources were essential elements for setting up a factory. The transportation location might not be close to the longitudinal railway, but could be connected to the longitudinal railway through other means of transportation. About the labor location, the new factory could be close to the settlement to ensure the source of labor for setting up a factory. Regarding the local economic benefits of the new sugar factories, most of the new sugar factories had brought significant population growth to the region. The factories also had a positive impact on the nearby towns businesses, but limited influence on the expansion of built-up areas. Therefore, I assume that the new sugar factories were part of the commercial hinterland of the town, and may be one of the factors influencing the development of the town. From the perspective of administrative function input, most of the towns near the nine new sugar factories continued the development of the towns’ class under the end of Qing dynasty rule except Xinying. The establishment of administrative agencies also had an inertial effect. Instead of opening up new towns, most administrative agencies continued the towns’ class since the Qing dynasty when deciding the location. Besides the benefits from the new sugar factories, I assume that the input of administrative functions and the towns’ inertial development to maintain its original commercial function level were also important factors of the development of towns.
Looking back on Taiwan’s industrial development, the sugar industry is one of the important industries in the past . During the period of Japanese rule, the colonial government enforced the colonial economic strategy in Taiwan. The establishment of the new sugar factories accelerated the production and the development of the sugar industry. In addition, there had the spatial connectivity and interaction with the town and settlement around the new sugar factories. However, few researches have focused on the relationship between the new sugar factories and the development of the towns in Tainan. Thus, this research was to investigate the relationship between the nine new sugar factories in Tainan and the development of the towns by the growth pole theory. Through literature review, fieldwork and interviews, this research explored the establishment history and locations of nine new sugar factories in Tainan, the local economic benefits brought by the new sugar factories, and the analysis of the functions of urban settlements. In terms of nine new sugar factories’ locations, the location of raw materials and water sources were essential elements for setting up a factory. The transportation location might not be close to the longitudinal railway, but could be connected to the longitudinal railway through other means of transportation. About the labor location, the new factory could be close to the settlement to ensure the source of labor for setting up a factory. Regarding the local economic benefits of the new sugar factories, most of the new sugar factories had brought significant population growth to the region. The factories also had a positive impact on the nearby towns businesses, but limited influence on the expansion of built-up areas. Therefore, I assume that the new sugar factories were part of the commercial hinterland of the town, and may be one of the factors influencing the development of the town. From the perspective of administrative function input, most of the towns near the nine new sugar factories continued the development of the towns’ class under the end of Qing dynasty rule except Xinying. The establishment of administrative agencies also had an inertial effect. Instead of opening up new towns, most administrative agencies continued the towns’ class since the Qing dynasty when deciding the location. Besides the benefits from the new sugar factories, I assume that the input of administrative functions and the towns’ inertial development to maintain its original commercial function level were also important factors of the development of towns.
日治時期, 臺南地區, 新式糖廠, 市街發展, 成長極, Under Japanese rule, Tainan, The new sugar factory, The development of town, Growth pole theory