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本研究旨在探究台灣國中學生在閱讀圖畫故事書時, 圖片對於單字習得及閱讀測驗的效果。圖畫書因為有提供圖片,也許能提供英文初學者額外的資料來推測單字及理解文本內容。
本實驗中,六十四位台北市立國中的八年級生在兩個連續的星期內閱讀兩本故事書,而兩本書以兩種模式呈現: 一本有圖片,另一本則無,同時也平衡兩本書的閱讀順序及呈現模式。每讀完一本書,學生們就接受立即的單字選擇題考試以及是非題的閱讀測驗。在實驗結束兩個星期後,學生們接受同一組單字的單字後測,並且填寫關於讀者感受的問卷。
T檢定的結果顯示,整體而言,提供圖片的模式確實能促進立即性以及兩個星期後的單字的辨識。此外,圖片的提供也可以促進閱讀理解。然而,進一步個別分析兩本故事書,發現圖片的功用只於其中一本關於露營的故事書較顯著; 另一本關於棒球的故事書中,圖片的有無並沒有在單字考試, 閱讀測驗及單字後測上達到顯著的效果。藉由此結果可以推論:關於棒球這本故事書,因為棒球這個題材較為學生熟知且故事內容較淺顯,學生較不需要倚賴圖片。因此,書本題材的不同或許會平緩圖片對國中生在單字認識及閱讀理解的效果。最後,本論文提出對於以圖畫書為閱讀教材的教學建議以及未來相關實驗的建言。
This study aims to examine the effects of pictures provided in story reading on incidental vocabulary acquisition and reading comprehension by junior high school EFL readers in Taiwan. Picture books, with the supply of pictures, may provide English beginning readers additional input for meaning making of words and texts. Sixty-four eighth graders in a Taipei municipal junior high school read two story books in two presentation modes, one with pictures and another without, in consecutive two weeks. The presentation sequence of the two topics and the two presentation modes was counterbalanced. After each reading, students took a vocabulary Multiple Choice test and a True-or-False reading comprehension test. Two weeks after each reading session, students took delayed vocabulary tests on the same set of words and filled out a perception questionnaire. T-test results indicate that, overall, supplying pictures for story reading did promote vocabulary acquisition immediately and two weeks after story reading. Moreover, the provision of pictures also facilitates the comprehension in general. However, further examination into the effect of picture on each of the two topics revealed that the picture effects were restricted to one topic, Camping, only; the other topic, Baseball, did not show effects on immediate vocabulary acquisition, delayed vocabulary acquisition, or reading comprehension. It was speculated that Baseball might be more familiar and easier for the students, and thus minimizing students’ resort to pictures. Hence, topic might mediate the effects of picture on the vocabulary acquisition and comprehension from story reading by junior high students. Suggestions for pedagogical practice and for future studies were therefore made.
This study aims to examine the effects of pictures provided in story reading on incidental vocabulary acquisition and reading comprehension by junior high school EFL readers in Taiwan. Picture books, with the supply of pictures, may provide English beginning readers additional input for meaning making of words and texts. Sixty-four eighth graders in a Taipei municipal junior high school read two story books in two presentation modes, one with pictures and another without, in consecutive two weeks. The presentation sequence of the two topics and the two presentation modes was counterbalanced. After each reading, students took a vocabulary Multiple Choice test and a True-or-False reading comprehension test. Two weeks after each reading session, students took delayed vocabulary tests on the same set of words and filled out a perception questionnaire. T-test results indicate that, overall, supplying pictures for story reading did promote vocabulary acquisition immediately and two weeks after story reading. Moreover, the provision of pictures also facilitates the comprehension in general. However, further examination into the effect of picture on each of the two topics revealed that the picture effects were restricted to one topic, Camping, only; the other topic, Baseball, did not show effects on immediate vocabulary acquisition, delayed vocabulary acquisition, or reading comprehension. It was speculated that Baseball might be more familiar and easier for the students, and thus minimizing students’ resort to pictures. Hence, topic might mediate the effects of picture on the vocabulary acquisition and comprehension from story reading by junior high students. Suggestions for pedagogical practice and for future studies were therefore made.
字彙習得, 閱讀理解, 圖畫故事書, 讀者感受, 外語學習, 國中, incidental vocabulary acquisition, reading comprehension, picture books, reader perception, EFL, junior high students