dc.contributor.author | 王錦雀 | zh_tw |
dc.date.accessioned | 2014-10-27T15:50:12Z | |
dc.date.available | 2014-10-27T15:50:12Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2005-06-?? | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | 本文主要目的在探究日本殖民統治臺灣五十年期,殖民政府藉由學校體系和非學校體系內相關公民教育實施內容與成效。日治時期所界定的公民教育目標和實施內容,相較於現今民主法治社會中所期許的公民教育目標和內涵呈現極大的差異性。 簡述日治時期的公民教育特性如下:不管是日治初期的國語傳習所或是後來的公學校、國民學校,都相當重視「尊皇室,愛本國,重人倫,養成本國精神」,而且視其為日治時期公民教育的重要內涵。統治者也希望透過現代教育培養具備現代公民潛力的國民。也就是說,日治時期的教育,冀望透過「公民教育」欲落實的目標在於:加強培養「具有效忠日本天皇國民觀念的人」。日本統治者透過學校教育和社會教育強化並達成「鍊成皇國民」目標。 為佐證上述論述,深刻剖析日本殖民政府在臺灣所辦的公民教育為必要研究途徑,因此分析「修身」此一對塑造公民特性極具關聯性的教材,是必須的。 本文經分析歸結後,得出下列相關臺灣本島「修身」教科書的目標和特色:(一)從1898年頒佈的「公學校規則」第一條中看出,日本統治者將施德教在授實學之上,承認了道德教育(公民教育)的優位性。(二)透過「修身」課對臺灣兒進行徹底的變造,使之忘卻漢文化的思考模式和生活習慣;並將臺灣人塑造成守法、勤奮的日本臣民,但又不是成為真正的日本人,亦即,不會要求與日本人同享有的特權或機會。(三)公學校所使用的「修身」書是由殖民地教育官員特別編撰,且配合每個時期不同的殖民統治政策落加以編修,以利型臺灣人子弟的國民性格。(四)「修身」教科書呈現強烈的意識型態外,也介紹近代性知識,使得臺灣兒童收了這些近代性的內容後,亦具備成為現公民的潛能。(五)「修身」教科書隨著戰爭時期的到來 ,課本內容提及日本英雄和日本帝國比重明顯變多了,明顯地看出教育為政治服務的跡象。(六)公學校內男女學生學習的課程並無差異,整體而言,日本的殖民政策對女子教育較為重視,促使臺灣婦女得以培養專業知能,進入專業和公共領域以展所才。(七)「修身」教育所教授的道德觀與價值,成功地傳達給臺灣兒童。使得臺灣兒童,在個人道德的行為上,有「很好」的表現。但教科書內容卻較強調服從、勤勞、衛生等特定「道德」規範的養成,避免出現積極鼓勵臺灣兒童養成進取精神的教材單元的內容。 | zh_tw |
dc.description.abstract | The purpose of the study is to explore what kind of citizen characters Japanese expected Taiwanese to be and by what kind of citizenship education to complete their colonial goal under Japanese Ruling on Taiwan. It contains three parts of issues in this paper. First of all, introduce the evolution of colonial and educational policies during the period of Japanese Ruling on Taiwan. Secondly, illustrate the contents of citizenship education. Then, in the latest section, more findings and conclusions are mentioned. We discover that the Japanese course “Disciplining the Person” is not very democratic. The Japanese policy was to make Taiwanese people into semi-Japanese-people who were loyal to the Japanese crown without the same rights as the native Japanese. In other words, Taiwanese people were simply their “political instruments.” Through documentary analysis, historical approach, and comparative approach, several conclusions are made from the findings and discussions of this study. According to the conclusions, this study recommends some implications as follows:1.extol the priority of Taiwan consciousness and reveal the autonomy of education in Taiwan. 2.implement indigenous education and emphasize native place education. 3.realize the equitable opportunities for schooling. 4.respect every culture and every native language. | en_US |
dc.identifier | 7EA1052D-9F16-A2DA-4426-1EE8785B3BA3 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/30253 | |
dc.language | 中文 | zh_TW |
dc.publisher | 國立台灣師範大學公民教育與活動領導學系 | zh_tw |
dc.publisher | Department of Civil Education and Leadership, NTNU | en_US |
dc.relation | (16),139-172 | zh_TW |
dc.relation.ispartof | 公民訓育學報 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 殖民教育政策 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 日治時期公民教育 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 修身科 | zh_tw |
dc.title | 日本治臺時期教育政策與公民教育內容 | zh-tw |
dc.title.alternative | A Study of Educational Policy and Citizenship Education During the Period of Japanese Ruling on Taiwan (1895-1945) | zh_tw |