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本研究共回收問卷215份,刪除11份無效問卷,有效問卷共為204份,透過驗證性因素分析刪除不具鑑別度的問項,並對問卷進行信效度檢驗,運用結構方程模型 (SEM) 驗證其研究假設,研究結果顯示神經質人格特質對健康焦慮有正向預測力,外向性人格特質對健康焦慮則顯示無相關,健康焦慮對網路口碑與知覺難以控制具有正向預測力,此外於疫情爆發之下,網路口碑與知覺難以控制對於持續購買行為皆有正向預測力,本研究結論表示,企業須擴大功能性食品的市場範圍,銷售業者應善加運用網路口碑行銷,瞄準高度健康焦慮的消費族群。
The current coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is causing considerable psychological and physical stress and high morbidity and mortality rates worldwide since its outbreak in December 2019. Following the outbreak of COVID-19, the booming market of functional foods indicates the increasing trend of consumers choosing healthy related products, such as, functional foods. However, who and why will purchase more function foods under the pandemic is seldom studied. To understand this issue, this study explored the relation among personality traits, health anxiety, electronic word-of-mouth and consuming behavior of functional foods, based on the theory of planned behavior. In this study, a total of 215 questionnaires had been distributed, and 204 valid were returned after deleting 11 invalid questionnaires, and subjected to the test of reliability and validity of questionnaire constructs after the deleting the unuseful items by first-order confirmatory factor analysis. By applying structural equation model (SEM) to verify the hypothesis, the research revealed that Neuroticism can positively predict health anxiety; but Extraversion cannot. Health anxiety can positively predict electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) and perceived behavioral uncontrol. Moreover, eWOM and perceived behavioral uncontrol can positively predict continuous purchasing functional foods under the outbreak of COVID-19. The implication of this research suggested that to increase the market of functional foods, the sales men should use the eWOM to target those consumers with high level of health anxiety.
The current coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is causing considerable psychological and physical stress and high morbidity and mortality rates worldwide since its outbreak in December 2019. Following the outbreak of COVID-19, the booming market of functional foods indicates the increasing trend of consumers choosing healthy related products, such as, functional foods. However, who and why will purchase more function foods under the pandemic is seldom studied. To understand this issue, this study explored the relation among personality traits, health anxiety, electronic word-of-mouth and consuming behavior of functional foods, based on the theory of planned behavior. In this study, a total of 215 questionnaires had been distributed, and 204 valid were returned after deleting 11 invalid questionnaires, and subjected to the test of reliability and validity of questionnaire constructs after the deleting the unuseful items by first-order confirmatory factor analysis. By applying structural equation model (SEM) to verify the hypothesis, the research revealed that Neuroticism can positively predict health anxiety; but Extraversion cannot. Health anxiety can positively predict electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) and perceived behavioral uncontrol. Moreover, eWOM and perceived behavioral uncontrol can positively predict continuous purchasing functional foods under the outbreak of COVID-19. The implication of this research suggested that to increase the market of functional foods, the sales men should use the eWOM to target those consumers with high level of health anxiety.
COVID-19, 人格特質, 健康焦慮, 網路口碑, 知覺行為難以控制, 持續購買行為, COVID-19, Personality, Health anxiety, eWOM, Perceived behavioral uncontrol, Continuous purchasing behavior