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自古以來中華民族的傳統美德是以「德」為重。但,隨著經濟與社會的發展,現今 的老師覺得:學生難教,教師難做。學生也鮮少關心他人,道德素質越來越薄弱。本研 究以個人與社會責任模式 (Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility, TPSR) 介入游泳 課為行動研究,並探討其研究歷程、介入後學生變化,再從中進行教學反思。研究者為 新任體育教師,研究參與者為廣東省深圳市某高中一年級 29 名學生。本研究設計 10 節 教學單元,透過觀察、教師日誌、訪談、學習單等資料蒐集再進行分析。研究結果:在 游泳課實施 TPSR 責任模式雖然波折但是是可行的,尤其對增加團隊凝聚力、學生學 習態度、學習興趣、學生參與數,增進師生感情。研究者在行動研究中也對班級組織層 面、教學設計層面、提出一些省思。建議:合理安排,靈活運用 TPSR 模式;設計目標 時必須充分了解班級、了解學生;也必須先了解 TPSR 責任目標的精髓,做到備學生、 備課齊頭並進;也需長期運用,從大環境著手,對體育館外的表現跟蹤觀察與記錄。
Since ancient times, the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation have been based on " morality". However, with the development of economy and society.Students seldom care about others, and their moral quality is getting worse. TPSR is introduced into swimming Curriculum as an action research, meanwhile discusses its research process, changes of students after the introduction of TPSR, and draws reflections of teaching from it. The researcher is a newly designated physical education teacher, the research participants are 29 students from grade one of a senior high school in Shenzhen city.10 teaching units were designed in this study, and then materials were collected and analyzed through observation, teacher's journal, interviews, study sheets and so on. Research results: it is feasible to implement TPSR in swimming Curriculum although it has twists and turns. It especially increases team cohesion, students learning attitude, learning interest, students' participation, and also promotes the relationship between teachers and students. Researchers also put forward some thoughts on class organization and teaching design when conducting the action research. Suggestion: arrange reasonably and use TPSR flexibly. When setting goals, we must fully understand the class, students and the essence of TPSR goals, so that preparing students and preparing lessons can advance side by side; also, the model needs to be used for a long time to track and record the performance outside the stadium from the perspective of the general environment.



教師自省, 品德教育, 團隊凝聚力, 蛙泳, Teacher introspection, Moral Education, Team cohesion, breaststroke





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