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促成本研究的主要問題背景與動機是:台灣近年最重大之教育改革的「九年一貫課程」,從「國定教本」的課程標準改為「校本課程」的課程綱要,在國中原為獨立學科之「生活科技」,亦和「自然」合併為一個「自然與生活科技」學習領域,此一重大改變之課程實施必迥異於前。因此,本研究的主要目的即在了解國中「生活科技」課程實施的現況與問題,探究課程實施理想樣態與現實樣貌其間落差之實景與緣由,分析造成此落差之微觀政治現象和脈絡。 本研究為達客觀和週延,採「質量兼具」的方式,以問卷調查、深度訪談等方法,多方面蒐集研究所需資料。衡酌研究者工作場域之利及豐富與詳實研究所需資料,首先用問卷普查台灣省某直轄市公立國中之「自然與生活科技」課程實施類型及生活科技教師員額數量、背景資料和實際任教等情形。其次依據問卷調查之分析結果,立意取樣兩種不同課程實施類型之共同利益關係人(校長、「自然與生活科技」學習領域教師和學生各一名)進行深度訪談,以了解課程實施真實樣貌之脈絡情境。研究所所蒐集之資料按其質或量不同之屬性類別加以分析、處理和報導。 根據研究發現,主要歸納出下列六項結論: 一、國中生活科技教師員額比例不足,且各校開缺增聘意願不高。 二、國中多數生活科技教師已轉移專業和志氣,並未真正從事生活科 技課程教學工作,加速讓國中生活科技課程荒蕪與邊緣化。 三、僅剩下極少數之國中一年級的生活科技課程,因教師堅持或教師 無法擔任其他教學工作而獨立設置,課程實施呈現「因人設事」 之非常態現象,久之恐有「名存實亡」之憾。 四、絕大多數之國中生活科技課程,都交由自然科教師合併於領域內 教學,不僅未能忠實反映生活科技之課程綱要,並有誤導之虞。 五、意識形態、利益關係、和權力運作等微觀政治現象,直接交互影 響國中生活科技課程之實施樣貌,並間接影響國中生活科技教師 之教學生涯選擇與蛻變。 六、從微觀政治分析,在意識形態的氛圍、利益關係的衡量和權力運作 的算計中,國中生活科技漸進走向課程邊緣、荒蕪和消逝化。
In Taiwan-based 9-year Integrated Curriculum, orthodox curricula had been replaced by school-centered curricula, wherein two originally individual subjects, Living Technology and Science, were incorporated into one single subject area — Science and Living Technology. The focus of this study was to build a full picture of current curriculum implementation of Living Technology in junior high school and explore the gap between the curriculum goal and the current implementation in light of micro-political phenomena. This study tried to provide quantitative data as well as qualitative analyses to make the research objective and extensive. The instrumentation included questionnaire, interview and life-history approach. The respondents of the questionnaire were from 26 public junior high schools in Taichung City. The questionnaire tried to find out the number of Living Technology teachers, their background and their teaching. Based on the results of the questionnaire, one principal, one teacher and one student were selected to be interviewed to gather in-depth data. To testify the results of the questionnaire and the in-depth interview, life-history approach was conducted to a junior high principal, qualified as a Living Technology teacher. Results are as follows: 1. Fewer qualified Living Technology teachers were recruited than needed because schools did not recruit teachers of this subject. 2. The majority of qualified Living Technology teachers transferred to other subject areas or businesses, which further marginalized the course of Living Technology. 3. Living Technology was still delivered in few junior high schools because some teachers insisted on delivering it or were not competent in other subject matters. 4. Living Technology was mostly delivered by science teachers, who might not follow the curriculum guidelines of it. 5. Some micro-political phenomena such as ideology, benefits and power, affected the implementation of Living Technology and then influenced the teachers in their career choice. 6. Living Technology was being marginalized, infertilized, and diminished in terms of ideology, benefits and power respectively.



生活科技, 課程實施, 微觀政治, 權力, 意識形態, living technology, curriculum implementation, micro-politics, power, ideology





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