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  本研究旨在探討澎湖縣女性新住民語言學習與生活適應之情形,以來自非華語國家之新住民為主要研究對象,了解澎湖縣提供的語言學習管道現況,現有學習資源是否符合新住民學習需求。為達研究目的,除採文獻資料分析澎湖縣新住民發展歷程以及當地提供新住民之華語學習管道外,另運用半結構式深度訪談法,選擇不同鄉市共十二位新住民進行訪談,國籍以越南及印尼籍為主,收集其華語學習與生活適應之經驗作為研究分析文本。   本研究發現澎湖縣現所提供的正式學習管道為國中小補校以及成人基本教育班,就內容而言尚且能夠滿足新住民學習華語的基本需求。然而辦理學校及開課班級少,各鄉市新住民無法有效利用正式管道學習,仍更為依賴生活周遭的非正式資源。澎湖新住民使用正式管道學習華語之情形,受到原教育程度、居住區域、課程內容與時間多方因素之影響,同時部分鄉鎮面臨臺語作為日常語言的學習需求。生活適應方面與語言關聯密切,日常生活、工作就業都需具備華、臺語能力,幫助新住民產生自信心、家庭關係和諧以及取得較好的工作機會。   依據研究結果,本研究亦提出相關建議,如:增加成人基本教育班開班數量,提供多元的課程時間與程度分級;整合開課訊息,以數位、紙本的方式同時宣傳,使相關資訊更容易查閱;製作並推廣課程影片、學習節目,放置網站及錄製光碟,作為新住民於照顧家庭、工作閒暇之時的學習資源。藉由本研究瞭解離島新住民之語言資源與學習情形,能提供相關單位在規劃新住民語言學習政策時具備更多元的參考方向。
  This study, aiming to understand the language learning and life adaptation of non-Chinese-speaking female new immigrants living in Penghu County, explored language learning options available in the county, determined whether these learning resources meet the learning needs of new immigrants, and discussed the association between life adaptation and language proficiency. To fulfil the research objectives, this study conducted a document analysis to consolidate the history of new immigrants in Penghu County and investigate Chinese-learning options available to new immigrants in the county. Additionally, semistructured in-depth interviews were conducted with 12 new immigrants, mostly from Vietnam and Indonesia, living in different townships and cities to obtain their experience in Chinese learning and life adaptation for subsequent analyses.   This study revealed that the formal learning options currently available in Penghu County were supplementary schools affiliated to elementary and junior high schools and adult language classes. However, these schools and classes—despite providing content that met the Chinese learning needs of new immigrants—were few in number. Accordingly, the migrants could not use the formal learning options effectively and turned to the informal learning options in their everyday surrounding. These newimmigrants’ use of the formal Chinese learning options was affected by various factors, namely educational background, where they lived, course content, and course schedule. Additionally, some new immigrants expressed the need to learn Taiwanese, which is spoken more commonly in some of the townships. Their life adaptation was closely related to their language proficiency because Chinese and Taiwanese proficiency was essential for building confidence in new immigrants in their day-to-day living and at work, specifically helping them achieve harmonious family relationships and obtain better job opportunities. According to the research results, this study proposed the following recommendations. More adult language classes should be provided, with varying course schedules and levels. Information regarding new classes should be integrated and promoted in both digital and printed formats to facilitate easier search of related information. Lecture videos and learning channels should be produced, promoted, put on a dedicated site, and burned to compact discs as learning resources for new immigrants to use in their free time. This study’s investigation on the language learning resources and learning status of new immigrants in Penghu County may provide relevant authorities with insights into the planning of diverse language learning policy for new immigrants.



新住民, 華語學習, 生活適應, new immigrants, Chinese learning, life adaptation





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