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本研究旨在探討「運算思維遊戲Comput-Up」中引導學生能對數學產生興趣,透過活動之參與,達到積極練習,遊戲中透過使用平板中的「運算思維遊戲Comput-Up App」作為實驗之規劃之一。本研究非隨機立意取樣方式,以臺北市某國民小學五年級學生。在遊戲中,需要一邊透過抽取的數字牌來進行四則運算,取得自己滿意的步數,一邊搭配平板的「運算思維遊戲Comput-Up App」來輸入四則運算式並計算出答案,遊戲時間為兩節課。在遊戲結束後,皆以問卷填答,用以探討學生於利他行為、認知乏、遊戲焦慮、心流、學習價值、持續玩的意圖之差異,回收問卷整理後,有效樣本為159人。研究結果表明:(1)利他行為對心流呈現正向影響;(2)利他行為對遊戲焦慮沒有明顯影響;(3)心流對學習價值呈現正向影響;(4)遊戲焦慮對學習價值呈現負向影響;(5)學習價值對持續玩的意圖呈現正向影響。根據研究發現,「運算思維遊戲Comput-Up」對學生可以培養學生互助合作利他利己之精神,並且能提升學生之學習意願,「運算思維遊戲Comput-Up」具有學習價值,學生對於「運算思維遊戲Comput-Up」之持續玩的意圖提高,更可以利用此遊戲來訓練學生之運算思維能力。
To enhance students’ computational thinking is an essential issue in elementary educational setting. How to develop this type of thinking ability with meth strategies, has not been particular studied, thus, the present study used a game, named Comput-Up, which developed by the Digital game-based learning lab of National Taiwan Normal University for studentst to play. To explore how to explore students’ cognitive and affective factor change in playing that game, this study adapted a non-random sampling method, to invite fifth-grade students from an elementary school in Taipei City. In the game, participants need to perform four arithmetic operations through the drawn digital cards to get number of steps for moving their own flags with math strategies. The time for playing was 30 minutes and four students were formed in a cooperative-competitive scheme to play 2 vs.2. After the game was over, questionnaires were delivered to investigate the differences among students in altruistic behavior, cognitive loading, gameplay anxiety, flow experience, perceived learning value, and continueous intention to playing. After collecting the questionnaires, the effective returns were 159. The research results show that: (1) Altruism is positively related to flow experience; (2) Altruism is not significantly related to gameplay anxiety; (3) flow experience is positively related to perceived to perceived learning value; (4) gameplay anxiety is negatively related realted to perceived learning value; (5) perceived learning value is positively related to continueous intention to play. According to research findings,"Comput-Up" can develop students' value perception by flow experience as using this game can be used to train students' computational thinking ability.
To enhance students’ computational thinking is an essential issue in elementary educational setting. How to develop this type of thinking ability with meth strategies, has not been particular studied, thus, the present study used a game, named Comput-Up, which developed by the Digital game-based learning lab of National Taiwan Normal University for studentst to play. To explore how to explore students’ cognitive and affective factor change in playing that game, this study adapted a non-random sampling method, to invite fifth-grade students from an elementary school in Taipei City. In the game, participants need to perform four arithmetic operations through the drawn digital cards to get number of steps for moving their own flags with math strategies. The time for playing was 30 minutes and four students were formed in a cooperative-competitive scheme to play 2 vs.2. After the game was over, questionnaires were delivered to investigate the differences among students in altruistic behavior, cognitive loading, gameplay anxiety, flow experience, perceived learning value, and continueous intention to playing. After collecting the questionnaires, the effective returns were 159. The research results show that: (1) Altruism is positively related to flow experience; (2) Altruism is not significantly related to gameplay anxiety; (3) flow experience is positively related to perceived to perceived learning value; (4) gameplay anxiety is negatively related realted to perceived learning value; (5) perceived learning value is positively related to continueous intention to play. According to research findings,"Comput-Up" can develop students' value perception by flow experience as using this game can be used to train students' computational thinking ability.
Comput-Up, 運算思維, 於利他行為, 心流, 遊戲焦慮, 學習價值, 持續玩的意圖, Board game, computational thinking, math strategy, altruism, flow, gameplay anxiety, learning value, continue intention to play