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National Taiwan Normal University Special Education Center


本研究旨在研發世界上首雙能夠協助使用者辨識左右腳的鞋體裝置,包括辨識裝置、聲光裝置與鞋本體所構成,目標客群以智能障礙者與幼童為主。其原理係利用大拇指比小拇指較長的情形,於大拇指的鞋面位置安裝光遮斷的開關,再進行邏輯判斷。若穿著正確時,鞋室內部的辨識裝置將受觸發,啟動 LED 燈及音樂以回饋使用者,若穿錯則出現短暫的警示音,具有快速引導及趣味性之效果,能讓使用者達到快速分辨左、右腳鞋之教學目的。經過實測,能降低使用者穿錯次數達 74.3%,達 .01 顯著水準。本產品採 USB 有線與無線充電方式,充電鞋盒能建立使用者用後放回原處的好習慣。
This research focuses on the development of the first shoe-based device that helps theuser to differentiate between the left and right shoes. The device is made of identificationdevice, optical and sound system as well as the shoe itself, targeting mainly the childrenand intellectual disabilities.The device is based on the principle that the big toe is generally longer than thesmall toe. A photointerrupter switch is placed at the position of the big toe and subsequentlogical judgment can be performed by the device. When worn correctly, the internalidentification device would be triggered and LED light along with music from the speakerwould provide feedback for the user. When worn wrongly, a short alarm would besounded. As a result, the user can rapidly learn to differentiate between the left and rightshoes. The device achieved the goal of guiding while engaging the user. After testing,it was found that the device can reduce the number of times that a user wears the shoeswrongly by 74.5% with 0.01 significant level. Both the USB cable and wireless chargingmethods could be used for the product and, the shoe box for charging also helped tocultivate the good habit of returning the shoes to the original spot.






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