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一、諮商心理師擔任程序監理人,考量親權酌定事件之未成年子女最佳利益有五個信念,分別為:(1)子女有被父母合作照顧的權利;(2) 子女免於陷入選擇父母的處境,能安心與雙方維繫情感;(3)父母定期執行會面探視,讓子女“生活在穩定的架構”;(4)子女身心安全需首要確認,其他利益視情況而彈性考量;(5)愈年幼的孩子需與家人建立好的依附關係,愈年長的孩子以尊重其意願為主。
After the Law of Domestic Proceedings was implemented on June 1st, 2012, the Taiwanese government, in order to uphold the rights and privileges established by the law for minors and those who have no capacity to conduct proceedings, established a new system of guardians ad litem. Because this system is in its infancy, there is a shortage of related research. Therefore, this study uses grounded theory to collect the experiences of counselors acting as guardian ad litem in child custody dispute, and hopes to solidify the abstract best interests of the child into distinct ideas for guardian ad litem to consider. The subjects of this study were the guardian ad litem from the Taiwan Community Counseling Association, all of who are licensed counselors. The results of this study are separated into three main categories: the best interest of the child in child custody dispute, the process of custody evaluation, and the self-expectations of guardian ad litem. The findings for this study are as follows: 1. For licensed counselors serving as guardian ad litem, there are five major beliefs about how to consider the best interests of the child in child custody dispute: a) Children have a right to their parents cooperation in providing care; b) Children deserve not to be trapped into choosing either parent, so that they can feel safe while maintaining their child-parent relationships; c) Parents should regularly visit their children to give the children a sense of more stabled and structured life; d) The physical and psychological safety of the child is paramount, all other aspects in life may be considered flexibly; and e) For young children, emphasis should be on the need to form a secure attachment with their family, and for older children it is essential to respect their personal wishes. 2. The major factors for selecting the parent with parental rights guardians ad litem should keep in mind when judging the best interests of minors can be divided among two dimensions: collection and assessment. 3. There are four professional expectations for guardian ad litem when working in the best interests of the child: a) To have sufficient capacity of custody evaluation; b) the capacity to carry out the duties of a professionally competent guardians ad litem; c) a strict observation of ethical boundaries; and d) an ability to speak for the child in the judicial system. In response to these findings, the following points were discussed: 1. The general trend for the consensus among psychologists and the judicial system for what the best interests of the child are. 2. Licensed counselors serving as guardians ad litem working in the best interests of the child have a two-pronged approach; one approach is to consider professional training programs for custody evaluation offered by foreign countries when designing Taiwan’s own training programs, and the other is to further perfect Taiwan’s guardian ad litem system. Based on the study result and pertinent discussions, the researcher proposed further academic and clinical suggestions for future study.
After the Law of Domestic Proceedings was implemented on June 1st, 2012, the Taiwanese government, in order to uphold the rights and privileges established by the law for minors and those who have no capacity to conduct proceedings, established a new system of guardians ad litem. Because this system is in its infancy, there is a shortage of related research. Therefore, this study uses grounded theory to collect the experiences of counselors acting as guardian ad litem in child custody dispute, and hopes to solidify the abstract best interests of the child into distinct ideas for guardian ad litem to consider. The subjects of this study were the guardian ad litem from the Taiwan Community Counseling Association, all of who are licensed counselors. The results of this study are separated into three main categories: the best interest of the child in child custody dispute, the process of custody evaluation, and the self-expectations of guardian ad litem. The findings for this study are as follows: 1. For licensed counselors serving as guardian ad litem, there are five major beliefs about how to consider the best interests of the child in child custody dispute: a) Children have a right to their parents cooperation in providing care; b) Children deserve not to be trapped into choosing either parent, so that they can feel safe while maintaining their child-parent relationships; c) Parents should regularly visit their children to give the children a sense of more stabled and structured life; d) The physical and psychological safety of the child is paramount, all other aspects in life may be considered flexibly; and e) For young children, emphasis should be on the need to form a secure attachment with their family, and for older children it is essential to respect their personal wishes. 2. The major factors for selecting the parent with parental rights guardians ad litem should keep in mind when judging the best interests of minors can be divided among two dimensions: collection and assessment. 3. There are four professional expectations for guardian ad litem when working in the best interests of the child: a) To have sufficient capacity of custody evaluation; b) the capacity to carry out the duties of a professionally competent guardians ad litem; c) a strict observation of ethical boundaries; and d) an ability to speak for the child in the judicial system. In response to these findings, the following points were discussed: 1. The general trend for the consensus among psychologists and the judicial system for what the best interests of the child are. 2. Licensed counselors serving as guardians ad litem working in the best interests of the child have a two-pronged approach; one approach is to consider professional training programs for custody evaluation offered by foreign countries when designing Taiwan’s own training programs, and the other is to further perfect Taiwan’s guardian ad litem system. Based on the study result and pertinent discussions, the researcher proposed further academic and clinical suggestions for future study.
程序監理人, 未成年子女最佳利益, 親權酌定事件, guardian ad litem, the best interests of the child, child custody dispute