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本研究透過新興研究途徑-我群他群態度來瞭解國小學童國家認同感。研究採用問卷調查法,以九十六學年度第一學期就讀於北高兩市四到六年級國小學童為研究對象,以分層叢集取樣方法,抽取北、高兩市共836位國小學童為樣本,以編製的「國小學童國家觀感之調查問卷」,來瞭解北高兩市國小學童之國家認同感與我群他群態度的看法,並探討不同背景國小學童國家認同感與我群他群態度之間的差異情形。 研究的主要發現如下: 一、北高兩市四到六年級國小兒童認為「性別」是他們最重視的自我分類屬性,「國家身分」其次,接著是「年紀」,最後是「居住地」。同時,「國家身分」的重要性隨著年齡增加而升高。 二、北高兩市國小兒童國家知識來源前三名分別為父母(79.4%)、學校老師(67.70%)與電腦網路(59.92%),顯示人際交流是台灣孩童獲得國家知識的重要方式。 三、本研究所列的五項個人背景因素「性別」、「年齡」、「學校所在地」、「在校使用語言」與「在家使用語言」,在國家認同感上均有顯著差異。 四、本研究所列的五項個人背景因素中,在我群他群態度上,僅有「年級」有顯著差異,其餘變項則無差異。 五、北高兩市兒童國家認同感受到南北區域差異以及首都效應的影響。其中台北市兒童不論在國家認同認知或是情感層面的平均得分,均顯著高於高雄市兒童。 六、北高兩市國小兒童對台灣人的印象優於對中國大陸人的印象。其中對我群態度較他群態度而言,顯得較為積極且正向,對他群(中國大陸人)態度則較為中立。 七、我群他群態度與國家認同感之間均達到顯著正相關存在;但我群態度與國家認同感國家認同感間具有較強的關連性存在。 八、對台灣地區北高兩市國小中高年級學童國家認同感最具預測力的變項分別為:我群態度(對台灣人態度)與性別;其餘各變項對國家認同感均不具有預測力。 最後,本研究亦根據研究發現提出建議,以供教育主管機關、國民小學教師及後續研究者一些具體的建議。
This study employed questionnaire survey to investigate Taiwan pupils’ attitudes towards the in-group (Taiwanese) and out-group (Chinese Mainlanders), their sense of national identity, and the relationship between in-group/out-group attitudes and the sense of national identity. The targeted population was the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade pupils who studied in the first semester of 2007 school year in Taipei City and Kaohsiung City. Layered random sampling was applied and 836 children in total participated in the study. Some findings were generated from the study: 1.Individual background factors (sex, age, local city, language in school, language in family) affected pupils’ sense of national identity. 2.Children's age influenced attitudes towards the in-group and out-group. 3.The children's age identity was more important to them than their national identity at all ages. 4.R.O.C (the Republic of China) national identity became more important as age increased, but age identity became less important as age increased. 5.The children's sense of national identity was positively correlated with their attitudes toward the in-group and out-group. 6.Generally, children perceived more positively about their own group (Taiwanese) than the out-group (Chinese). 7.Social identity theory was detected via the correlation between the strength of national identity and the positive and affective distinctiveness which was ascribed to the in-group. Finally, suggestions were offered based on the findings to the educational authority, the teacher of elementary school and future interested researchers.



國小學童, 國家認同感, 我群他群態度, Elementary pupils, national identity, in-group, out-group





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