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本研究旨在探討音樂教師使用流行音樂於教學之觀點與現況,包含教師對流行音樂觀點之價值觀、教學適用性、教學年級使用觀與教學項目使用觀與教學現況之學習狀況、教學困擾、素材來源與教學活動情形。本研究採調查研究法,研究者以桃園縣公立國民中學音樂教師為對象,共計有效樣本143份,並以自編「音樂教師使用流行音樂於教學之調查研究問卷」為研究工具,運用次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t檢定與單因子變異數分析法進行分析,研究之具體結論如下: 壹、教師對使用流行音樂於教學之觀點 1. 大多數教師對流行音樂之價值觀為正向,並認同流行音樂之教育價值,且在課餘時是有聆聽流行音樂之習慣。 2. 大多數教師認為流行音樂融入教學符合九年一貫藝術與人文的課程目標,且可引發學習動機與提升學習成效,並擴展教材的多元性。 3. 大多數教師認為流行音樂適合融入音樂教學活動中。 貳、教師使用流行音樂於教學之情形 1. 教師認為使用流行音樂於教學活動後,學生的學習意願與學習成效皆提高。 2. 教師僅對流行音樂歌詞內容的不適當性感到些微困擾。 3. 教師在教學所用的流行音樂素材來源以影音網站與網路為主。 4. 教師在音樂教學中所用的流行音樂與歌曲以電影音樂與華語歌曲為主。 5. 教師在各教學活動使用流行音樂的多寡,以樂器教學為最高,創作教學為最低。 最後依據上述研究結論,提出建議以供教學實務及未來研究者參考。
This research was to study how music teachers evaluate the application of popular music to music teaching and how they in fact apply popular music to music teaching. The first part included teachers’ point of view on popular music and its teaching applicability, use of popular music in students of different school years, and use of popular music in different teaching programs; the second part was about practical application of popular music to music teaching, including learning situation, teaching problem, sources of teaching materials, and teaching activity. The researcher taked example of public junior high schools in Taoyuan County and collects 143 effective samples. The research tool was the self-made “Research Questionnaire of Teachers’ Application of Popular Music to Music Teaching” and the result was analyzed with frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, independent samples T test, and one-way ANOVA. The research conclusions were: I. How teachers evaluated popular music to music teaching 1. Most teachers had positive point of view on popular music and recognize its educational value; they were used to listening to popular music after school. 2. Most teachers agreed that the integration of popular music into teaching conforms to the goal of Arts and Humanities Learning Area of Grade 1-9 Curriculum. It triggers learning motivation, improves learning efficiency, and enhances teaching material variety. 3. Most teachers believed popular music is an ideal material to be integrated into music teaching activities. II. How teachers appled popular music to music teaching 1. Teachers thought that learning motivation and learning efficiency were both improved after the use of popular music in teaching activities. 2. The only thing that slightly bothers teachers was the impropriety of popular music lyrics. 3. The main sources of popular music used in teaching are video websites and the Internet. 4. The most used popular music categories are movie sound track and Mandarin songs. 5. Teachers were most likely to use popular music for instrument teaching, least likely for creative teaching. Based on the above research conclusions, this thesis provides suggestioned for teaching practice and future researchers.



流行音樂, 國中音樂教學, popular music, junior high school music teaching





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