陳有蘭溪源流區之崩塌與土石流發生特性與空間差異: 以和社溪流域為例
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本研究以陳有蘭溪源流之一的和社溪流域為研究區,檢視1993- 2004年間 賀伯颱風、集集地震、桃芝颱風、敏督利颱風前後拍攝的航空照片,判釋及歸納崩塌特性的變化,探討歷次重大颱風豪雨和地震事件在誘發和社溪流域地形變動上的角色。為釐清子集水區在一般事件及連續極端事件的崩塌、侵淤行為特徵與影響因素,更拉長時距從1963年~2004年,細部檢視其中三個子集水區在各次事件中的崩塌與土石流的發生,以及事件後沈積物在河道中的侵淤狀況。
This research aims to understand the relationship between slope failures and channel changes and various natural and human-induced factors in the Hoshe Basin, located in upstream area of the Chenyulan River, Central Taiwan. Spatial and temporal distributions of slope failures, cut-fill type of channel and major types of land-use were interpreted and digitized from 8 sets of aerial photographs. Morphometric analyses were also incorporated. The factors discussed of slope failures include slope angle, types of strata, road construction and reclaimed slopelands. The factors influenced channel presents the behavior of cut or fill include drainage area, channel width, local channel gradient, location of material supply and initial cut-fill condition of channel. The result turns out major factor of slope failure is slope angle and road construction in the mid-80s’. The latter caused channel change as well. After the combination of big earthquake and strong typhoon, the channels faced extensive changes (mainly fill) and induced lots slope failures (sediments supply) and transported efficiently. That made the coming strong typhoon influenced less.
This research aims to understand the relationship between slope failures and channel changes and various natural and human-induced factors in the Hoshe Basin, located in upstream area of the Chenyulan River, Central Taiwan. Spatial and temporal distributions of slope failures, cut-fill type of channel and major types of land-use were interpreted and digitized from 8 sets of aerial photographs. Morphometric analyses were also incorporated. The factors discussed of slope failures include slope angle, types of strata, road construction and reclaimed slopelands. The factors influenced channel presents the behavior of cut or fill include drainage area, channel width, local channel gradient, location of material supply and initial cut-fill condition of channel. The result turns out major factor of slope failure is slope angle and road construction in the mid-80s’. The latter caused channel change as well. After the combination of big earthquake and strong typhoon, the channels faced extensive changes (mainly fill) and induced lots slope failures (sediments supply) and transported efficiently. That made the coming strong typhoon influenced less.
崩塌, 土石流, 河道變遷, 侵淤, 颱風, 地震, 和社溪, landslide, debris flow, channel change, cut-fill, typhoon, earthquake, Hoshe