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國內英(外)文系學生畢業之後所從事的行業,許多都與翻譯有程度不等的關係。真接與翻譯相關的工作包括報社、電視新聞、雜誌的編譯工作、出版社的編輯或翻譯、電視電影的字幕翻譯、語言教材的翻譯等等。間接與翻譯相關的就更多了,包括秘書工作中所需的書信翻譯、文案、簡報、資料翻譯等等。因此,翻譯是英語文學系非常實用的課程之一。但在大學部的筆譯課程中,受限於班級規模、時間、語言程度等等因素,學生接觸實際翻譯市場的機會不多。因此,筆者設計了一套結合實習的翻譯教學計畫,提供給大四有興趣的學生,讓他們在大學最後一年有機會接觸實際的業者,了解翻譯這個行業的需求與挑戰,作為將來就業或繼續求學的參考。本文為八十九學年度實習經驗的報告,重點在於進行的流程、困難、學生的反應,建議等等,作為日後翻譯教師進行類似計畫的參考。 參與計畫的是銘傳大學應用英語系大四學生共二十人。參與學生都在大二修過一學期必修的「翻譯入門」,大三修過一學年選修的「筆譯」課程。這二十名學生分為五組,其中三組各為經典傳訊出版公司翻譯一本書,其餘兩組則分別為春暉電影台和公共電視翻譯影片。
During the academic year 2000, 20 senior students of the Department of Applied English at Ming Chuan University worked as practice translators, under the supervision of the researcher, for a publishing company and two TV stations. The present paper is the report of the practicum, including the objectives, the process, the tasks, and the reflections of the participating students as well as the researcher. All participating students had taken a required one-semester course “Introduction to Translation” in their sophomore year as well as a selective two-semester course “Translation” in their junior year. They were divided into five groups. Three translated books, two translated films. Each of the former three groups produced a Chinese version of an English title for Classic Communications publishing company. One film-group translated the Chinese subtitle for two U.S. films for Sun Movie Station, and the other translated four episodes of an Australian TV Show for the Public Television Station. The objectives of this project include: developing the students’ own translation styles, fostering their responsibility and independence, generating their active learning motivations, encouraging creativity and cooperation, and developing a sense of profession. The result was positive in all these areas. The students reported a great sense of achievement, especially when their products was on the air or published. Their perceptions of translation altered and they sensed the need of professional training for translators. Few of them felt they were ready for the profession on the point of graduation; more hours off translation training were advised. The present paper also offers some suggestions for translation teachers who will undertake similar projects.
During the academic year 2000, 20 senior students of the Department of Applied English at Ming Chuan University worked as practice translators, under the supervision of the researcher, for a publishing company and two TV stations. The present paper is the report of the practicum, including the objectives, the process, the tasks, and the reflections of the participating students as well as the researcher. All participating students had taken a required one-semester course “Introduction to Translation” in their sophomore year as well as a selective two-semester course “Translation” in their junior year. They were divided into five groups. Three translated books, two translated films. Each of the former three groups produced a Chinese version of an English title for Classic Communications publishing company. One film-group translated the Chinese subtitle for two U.S. films for Sun Movie Station, and the other translated four episodes of an Australian TV Show for the Public Television Station. The objectives of this project include: developing the students’ own translation styles, fostering their responsibility and independence, generating their active learning motivations, encouraging creativity and cooperation, and developing a sense of profession. The result was positive in all these areas. The students reported a great sense of achievement, especially when their products was on the air or published. Their perceptions of translation altered and they sensed the need of professional training for translators. Few of them felt they were ready for the profession on the point of graduation; more hours off translation training were advised. The present paper also offers some suggestions for translation teachers who will undertake similar projects.