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本研究主要目的在於了解體驗教育引導員生涯召喚、工作滿意度、恆毅力與專業承諾的關聯性,探討生涯召喚、工作滿意度、恆毅力對專業承諾的影響力,並檢驗工作滿意度的中介效果,以及恆毅力的調節作用。本研究採用問卷調查法,招募研究參與者共 49 名。研究工具包含「成人生涯召喚量表」、「專業承諾量表」、「工作滿意度量表」以及「恆毅力量表-簡短版(Grit-S)」。資料分析使用描述性統計、皮爾森積差相關分析、階層回歸分析等方法。主要研究結果整理如下:一、 生涯召喚與專業承諾、工作滿意度、恆毅力-毅力有正相關;專業承諾與工作滿意度、恆毅力-毅力有正相關;恆毅力-熱情與恆毅力-毅力兩者為負相關。二、 生涯召喚、工作滿意度對專業承諾有預測力,且工作滿意度對專業承諾比生涯召喚對專業承諾具有較大的預測力。三、 生涯召喚與專業承諾具有正相關,並可由工作滿意度部分中介效果。四、 恆毅力的毅力在生涯召喚與專業承諾之間具有調節效果,但恆毅力的熱情並無調節效果。本研究根據以上的結果進行討論,並提出具體建議,供實務工作及未來研究之參考。
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between career calling, job satisfaction, grit and professional commitment among the experiential education facilitators. The aim of this study was to understand the relationship between career calling, job satisfaction, grit and professional commitment of the experiential education facilitators, explore the influence of career calling, job satisfaction, grit on professional commitment, and evaluate the mediating effect of job satisfaction and the moderating effect of grit. The study adopted a survey research design. Participants were 49 experiential education facilitators. The employed questionnaires covered “the Adult-Calling Scale”, “Job Satisfaction Scale”, “Professional Commitment Scale” and “Grit Scale”. The data was analyzed via descriptive statics, Pearson correlation, hierarchical regression. The findings of this study are:1. There were significant positive relationships between career calling, professional commitment, job satisfaction, and grit and perseverance of effort; there were significant positive relationships between professional commitment and job satisfaction; but significant negative relationship between grit and perseverance of effort and passion.2. Career calling and job satisfaction have positive predictability on professional commitment, and job satisfaction has greater predictability on professional commitment than career calling.3. The relationship between the career calling and professional commitment is partially mediated by job satisfaction.4. There were significant moderating effects of grit and perseverance of effort on the relationships between career calling and professional commitment; however, no moderating effects of passion between career calling and professional commitment.Based on the result, discussions and suggestions were provided to practitioners, schools and further researchers in this area.
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between career calling, job satisfaction, grit and professional commitment among the experiential education facilitators. The aim of this study was to understand the relationship between career calling, job satisfaction, grit and professional commitment of the experiential education facilitators, explore the influence of career calling, job satisfaction, grit on professional commitment, and evaluate the mediating effect of job satisfaction and the moderating effect of grit. The study adopted a survey research design. Participants were 49 experiential education facilitators. The employed questionnaires covered “the Adult-Calling Scale”, “Job Satisfaction Scale”, “Professional Commitment Scale” and “Grit Scale”. The data was analyzed via descriptive statics, Pearson correlation, hierarchical regression. The findings of this study are:1. There were significant positive relationships between career calling, professional commitment, job satisfaction, and grit and perseverance of effort; there were significant positive relationships between professional commitment and job satisfaction; but significant negative relationship between grit and perseverance of effort and passion.2. Career calling and job satisfaction have positive predictability on professional commitment, and job satisfaction has greater predictability on professional commitment than career calling.3. The relationship between the career calling and professional commitment is partially mediated by job satisfaction.4. There were significant moderating effects of grit and perseverance of effort on the relationships between career calling and professional commitment; however, no moderating effects of passion between career calling and professional commitment.Based on the result, discussions and suggestions were provided to practitioners, schools and further researchers in this area.
生涯召喚, 專業承諾, 工作滿意度, 恆毅力, 體驗教育引導員, Career Calling, Professional Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Grit, Experiential Education Facilitators