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Department od Education, NTNU
Department od Education, NTNU
女性偏好的教育種類(學類)蟬未能帶給她們與男性相當的職業地位,但是長期以來,女性投入某些學類的傾向卻維持著穩定性。本研究認為,如果這些學類能連結女性偏好的職業,便可補充說明女性教育選擇傾向穩定的現象。在考量女性就業需求之後﹒本研究依據滿足女性就業需求的程度差異,將勞動市場劃分成數組區隔的部鬥﹒其中,囑於女性的「好工作」是公部門與非營利機構。本研究採用2006 年「臺灣高等教育資料庫」中大學畢業後一年之女性為樣本,以多元邏輯迴歸分析估計家庭背景、學校類型、學類、證照等變項,針對大學畢業後一年的狀態,描繪女性的教育成就與勞動市場的連結情形。研究發現: (一)升研究所階段的教育轉換具有社經階層差異。(二)公立大學畢業者取得公部門與非營利機構工作的勝算最高,私立技職院校畢業者的勝算最低。(三)女性偏好的學類連結至公部門與非營利機構的機率,高於男性投入較高的學類,此種連結關係可能穩定了女性的教育選擇傾向。(四)除了通過公職考試或國家專業技術考試較有利於取得好工作,其他專業證照或認證並無助益。
This research explores the characteristics of women's employment and their desire for rewards in different labor market sectors, analyzes the effects of the types of umversity, fields of study, and professional certifications on higher educated women's early jobs, and explains the stable distribution of female college students in defferent fields of study. Using data retrieved from the "Taiwan Higher Education Data System," the entire analysis includes 7,547 higher educated woman who had graduated from universities one year ago. THe results of the multinomial logit regression suggest 1) women from upper socio-economic status were more likely to enter graduate schools; 2) the female graduates of public universities were disproportionately employed in public and nonprofit organizations, but the ones graduating from private vocational universities were more likely to obtain jobs in small firms; 3) women who studied in a field with higher concentration of female students were more likely to be employed in public and nonprofit organizations, which might explain the stability of women's choice in the fields of higher education; 4) except for the professional certifications from the government, most certifications were not helpful in obtaining better jobs.
This research explores the characteristics of women's employment and their desire for rewards in different labor market sectors, analyzes the effects of the types of umversity, fields of study, and professional certifications on higher educated women's early jobs, and explains the stable distribution of female college students in defferent fields of study. Using data retrieved from the "Taiwan Higher Education Data System," the entire analysis includes 7,547 higher educated woman who had graduated from universities one year ago. THe results of the multinomial logit regression suggest 1) women from upper socio-economic status were more likely to enter graduate schools; 2) the female graduates of public universities were disproportionately employed in public and nonprofit organizations, but the ones graduating from private vocational universities were more likely to obtain jobs in small firms; 3) women who studied in a field with higher concentration of female students were more likely to be employed in public and nonprofit organizations, which might explain the stability of women's choice in the fields of higher education; 4) except for the professional certifications from the government, most certifications were not helpful in obtaining better jobs.