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本研究旨在探討網路化學習環境中,不同多媒體呈現方式及認知風格的差異,對國中學生的學習成效與電腦態度所造成的影響。研究目的可分為以下三個:目的一:探討網路化學習的多媒體呈現方式,對學習成效與電腦態度的影響。目的二:探討學習者認知風格的差異,對學習成效與電腦態度的影響。目的三:探討網路化學習的多媒體呈現方式與學習者認知風格,對學習成效與電腦態度的交互影響。 研究以「網頁文字+圖片」、「網頁文字+動畫」及「網頁文字+影片」作為不同的多媒體呈現方式。認知風格以「場地獨立」與「場地依賴」之認知風格向度來探討。研究工具為「藏圖測驗」、自編「四行程循環引擎單元評量試卷」、「國中學生電腦態度量表」及研究者自行建置的教學實驗網頁。 實驗採準實驗方法設計,以國中八年級學生為研究對象,依藏圖測驗將受測學生分成場地獨立與場地依賴兩種認知風格,並且隨機分配到三種不同多媒體呈現方式的組別中,共計有六個實驗組別,參與實驗的實際有效人數為77人。在教學實驗進行之前先施行前測,教學實驗完成後立即進行後測及電腦態度的測量。經收集相關資料後,以二因子變異數分析及Scheff Method進行資料分析後發現: 一、多媒體呈現方式,對學生的學習成效及電腦態度皆無顯著影響。認知風格的差異,對學習成效、整體電腦態度量表及「使用電腦的信心」、「對電腦設備的價值觀」、「對電腦的喜愛」、「使用電腦的價值」及「使用電腦的執著」等五個分量表沒有顯著影響。多媒體呈現方式與認知風格的交互作用,對學生的學習成效、整體電腦態度量表及「使用電腦的信心」、「對電腦設備的價值觀」、「使用電腦的價值」及「使用電腦的執著」等四個分量表沒有顯著影響。 二、場地獨立型及場地依賴型的學生,在「使用電腦的焦慮」的分量表得分上呈現出顯著差異。場地依賴者使用電腦的焦慮感低於場地獨立者。 三、多媒體呈現方式與認知風格之間的交互作用,在「使用電腦的焦慮」的分量表上有顯著差異。其中一個是在「網頁文字+動畫」組別中,場地依賴者的使用電腦的焦慮感低於場地獨立;另外一個是「網頁文字+圖片」組別的場地獨立者,其使用電腦的焦慮感低於「網頁文字+動畫」組別的場地獨立者。多媒體呈現方式與認知風格之間的交互作用在「對電腦的喜愛」的分量表得分上亦呈現出顯著差異,場地依賴者對電腦喜愛的程度大於場地獨立者。
The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of differential multimedia presentation modes and cognitive styles on the learning effects and computer attitudes of junior high school students in a web-based learning environment. The purposes of the study were the followings: 1. To explore the effects of multimedia presentation modes on junior high students’ learning effects and the computer attitudes toward web-based learning environment. 2. To explore the effects of the differences between cognitive style of students on junior high students’ learning effects and computer attitudes. 3. To explore the interactions between differential multimedia presentation modes and cognitive styles on junior high students’ learning effects and computer attitudes. The multimedia presentation mode was divided into 3 types: "hypertext + graphics", "hypertext + animations" and "hypertext + movies". The cognitive style was divided into 2 types: "Field Independent, FI" and "Field Dependent, FD". Four types of instruments were used to collect data pertinent to the study. The instruments of the study included the "Hidden Figure Test, HFT ", the four stroke cycle engine learning test as the pretest and posttest, the "computer attitude scale for junior high school students" and the web-based learning homepages. Quasi-experimental design was used for the study. 77 eight grade students of junior high school were selected to be subjects. The subjects were classified into FI and FD based on their HFT scores. Then the subjects were randomly assigned to 3 different types of multimedia presentation modes based on their cognitive styles. Before the experiment, the subjects received the pretest. After the experiment, the subjects received the posttest and the computer attitude scale. Two-way ANOVA and Scheff method were used to analyze experimental data. Results of this study were listed as the followings: 1. There was no significant difference on students’ learning effects and computer attitudes between different multimedia presentation modes. There was no significant difference on students’ whole computer attitudes, "confidence in computer using", "the value of computer equipments", "computer liking", "the value of computer using" and "the self-will of computer using" between different cognitive styles. For the whole computer attitudes, "the confidence in computer using", "the value of computer equipments", "the value of computer using" and "the self-will of computer using", the interactions between multimedia presentation modes and cognitive styles were not significant. 2. The students with different cognitive styles, FI and FD, were significantly different on "anxiety in computer using". The anxiety of learners of FD were lower then the learners of FI. 3. The interactions between differential multimedia presentation modes and cognitive styles were significantly different on "anxiety in computer using". One difference was from the group of "hypertext + animations". In that group, the anxiety of learners of FD were lower then the learners of FI. The anxiety of learners of FI in the group of "hypertext + graphics" were lower then the learners of FI in the group of "hypertext + animations". The other significantly different were from "computer liking" in the group of "hypertext + animations". Learners of FD got higher score of "computer liking" then learners of FI.



網路化學習, 多媒體呈現方式, 認知風格, 學習成效, 電腦態度, Web-based learning, Multimedia presentation modes, Cognitive styles, Learning effects, Computer attitudes





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